Norwegian version

Innovative, sustainable public procurement of food and catering services

The project enables the participating public organizations, mostly municipalities, to try out new and innovative public procurement strategies and practices, aimed at supporting their sustainability agenda.

Fundamental changes are needed in core societal systems, in particular those related to food, mobility, and energy. In the Norwegian public sector, most organizations have already declared sustainability as a core issue, but now need to translate this into relevant practices.

The Norwegian central government expects regions and local communities (as key actors in the transition towards greater sustainability), to implement concrete plans resulting in a more sustainable environment and society , building on the 2015 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 2030.

In that context, public procurement is an important instrument. The project aims to innovate the way public organizations procure food and catering services, and show how they can prioritize sustainability goals, linked to customers´ needs, and involving a variety of suppliers including small and medium enterprises.

There are 14 partners involved in the project: two universities (OsloMet-AFI and UiO), Difi (the national expertise centre on procurement), and 12 public organizations involved in public procurement (11 municipalities and one university: OsloMet).

These organizations have all expressed the ambition to procure more sustainable food and catering services through experimenting with new and innovative ways of sustainable public procurement in the food and catering sector. In this project, innovation is seen as a continuous process of learning by failing, rather than innovation as a newly-to-be-introduced product or process. The partners involved innovate with support of experts and peers.

  • Program final conference 2023

    Tirsdag 26/9

    08.30-08.50    Coffee and registration

    09.00-09.45    Key-note (1) Andreas Viestad: “Food and quality in the public sector”
    Andreas Viestad is a Norwegian chef and food writer known from several food programs on TV, including New Scandinavian Cooking. He has published a number of cookbooks.

    09.45-10.00    Break

    10.00-10.45    Kristin Reichborn-Kjennerud & Nico Groenendijk: Welcome & introduction to the sessions

    10.45-11.00    Break

    11.00-13.00    Parallel sessions N1 (PA311) and E1 (see below)

    13.00-14.00    Lunch

    14.00-16.00    Parallel sessions N2 (PA311) and E2 (see below)

    19.00    Dinner at Vippa

    Wednesday 27/9

    08.30-09.00    Coffee and registration

    09.00-09.45 Key-note (2) Asle Orseth: "Sustainable catering. An innovative approach to procurement criteria, tendering and performance incentives, through collaboration between researchers and the procurement department”.
    Asle Orseth is senior consultant at the University of Oslo’s purchasing section

    09.45-10.00    Break

    10.00-12.30    Common session on food procurement, with a focus on school meals, in English

    12.30-13.30    Lunch

    13.30-15.00    Parallel sessions N3 (PA311) and E3 (see below)

    15.00-15.30    Nico Groenendijk & Kirstin Reichborn-Kjennerud: Round-up and way forward


    N-sessions are in Norwegian. E-sessions (and the common session) are in English.

    Format for each session:

    • Presentations (10-15 minutes each) 
    • Panel discussion and Q/A with all presenters, led by Kristin (N-sessions), Nico (E-sessions + common session)

    SESSION N1: Smart planlegging og bærekraftig innkjøp fra start til slutt 

    Tuesday 26.9, kl. 11-13

    • Line Tveiten, Oslo kommune, Bymiljøetaten: Erfaringer fra å implementere bærekraftig og sunn mat i praksis i Oslo kommune
    • Elisabeth Sandnes, DFØ: Handlingsrommet i regelverket
    • Marte von Krogh, Matvalget: Hvorfor trenger vi en ny standard for offentlige måltidstilbud i Norge?

    SESSION N2: Regelverket, miljømerking og parametere for bærekraft (PA311)

    Tuesday 26.9, kl. 14-16

    • Finn Arnesen, Universitet i Oslo: Om regelverket
    • Tormod Lien, Svanemerket: Miljømerking kan forenkle bærekraftige anskaffelser av mat
    • Christoffer Connée, Klimato: Parametere for bærekraftige anskaffelser av mat

    SESSION N3: Strategisk bruk av innkjøpsmakt (PA311)

    Wednesday 27.9, kl. 13.30-15

    • Anne Dagsland, Tysvær kommune: Hvordan anskaffelsesregelverket ikke er tilpasset behovet til kommuner med stor geografisk utstrekning som ønsker å kjøpe fra lokale
    • Tove Nævisdal, Arendal kommune: Med bærekraft på menyen
    • Sherry Hakimnejad, Daglig leder Diversity Collective: Om småaktorens rolle i anbudsprosesser: Små, håpfulle og innovative – men hvorfor er vi fortsatt ikke kvalifiserte?
    • Gro Åse Magnussen, Gunn Camilla Stang & Ragnhild Slettner, Områdeinnsatsen i Oslo: Om Delprogram sysselsetting, Bærekraftige fellesskap og Vegetar Expressen.

    SESSION E1: Local food systems and supply chains (Athene 1)

    Tuesday 26.9, 11-13h

    • Villi Ieremia, KU Leuven: Where does your `local´ food come from? Moving from end-product to input-based interpretations of local food
    • Gun Roos & Virginie Amilien, OsloMet-SIFO: A quality scheme gaze at Local food systems and supply chains in Norway
    • Sabina Kuraj & Maria Uldahl, OsloMet-SIFO: Possibilities and barriers for increasing the availability of diverse, local and organic food. The view of stakeholders in three different food provisioning systems
    • Maximo Græsse, A short and transparent supply chain for direct food trade

    SESSION E2: Food, green places & local communities (Athene 1)

    Tuesday 26.9, 14-16h

    • Abigail Williams, University of Liverpool: Growing food onsite using hydroponics – provision of leafy greens for people with neurological conditions in a therapeutic spaces
    • Sveinung Grimsby & Mads Erling Pedersen, NOFIMA: Health vs. sustainable – Save myself or save the planet?
    • Josep Pueyo (online), Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA): The Edible Cities platform – The world’s meeting place for sustainable urban food systems and green edible cities
    • Nico Groenendijk & Kristin Reichborn-Kjennerud, Inland Norway University & OsloMet: Sustainability, public procurement maturity and local food policies: Municipalities as societal actors    

    SESSION E3: Networking and future cooperation (Athene 1)

    Wednesday 27.9, 13.30-15h

    This session will be informal and will focus on possibilities for future research cooperation, including the publication of a special issue and/or edited book.

    COMMON SESSION (Athene 1)

    Wednesday 27.9, 10-12.30h

    • Line Begby, BDO: An overview of the report by BDO & UN Global Compact Norge on the role of municipalities in the green business transition
    • Mark Stein (online), University of Salford: Sustainable food procurement in Denmark, Sweden and the UK
    • Peter Defranceschi, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability: The transformative power of healthy school meals and food education for resilient food regions
    • Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, University of Copenhagen: Free school meals, a local community food systems gamechanger – first case from the Alle Børn Spiser (ABS) program
    • Sina Bråten Lunde, Oslo municipality: The school meal project in Oslo municipality
    • Marthe von Krogh, Viken region & Matvalget: Participates in panel discussion


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