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Heidi Bjørge

Heidi Bjørge

Kort om

Sykepleier med videreutdanning i psykisk helse. Arbeidet som sykepleier innen første- og annenlinjetjeneste, og 15 år innen psykisk helse.
Ansatt som førsteamanuensis i Bachelor 3. året og veileder og underviser innen psykisk helse og rus. Er teamleder i SYKPRA50.
Forsker innen psykisk helse, pårørende til personer med demens og psykose med fokus på relasjon i familien, livskvalitet, sykepleie og minoritetshelse.





Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Lillekroken, Daniela ; Halvorsrud, Liv ; Bjørge, Heidi ; Gandhi, Sailaxmi; Sivakumar, Palanimuthu T.; Goyal, Alka Rani (2024). Caregivers’ experiences, challenges, and needs in caring for people with dementia in India: a scoping review. 28 s. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 24.

Bjørge, Heidi ; Kvaal, Kari; Ulstein, Ingun (2024). Quality of Life and Relationships in Caregivers of People With Dementia. A Gender Perspective. 10 s. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias (AJADD). Vol. 39.

Bjørge, Heidi ; Kvaal, Kari; Ulstein, Ingun (2024). Quality of Life and Relationships in Caregivers of People With Dementia. A Gender Perspective. 10 s. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias (AJADD). Vol. VOL. 11.

Bjørge, Heidi ; Baklien, Børge; Opheim, Elin; Kvaal, Kari; Skulberg, Knut Ragnvald (2024). Loneliness, social provision and health among older men and women with chronic physical diseases – a mixed methods study. 10 s. Cogent Public Health. Vol. VOL. 11.

Bjørge, Heidi ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Goyal, Alka Rani (2023). Always on alert: How relatives of family members with dementia experience the transition from home to permanent nursing home placement. Nursing Open. Vol. 10.

Gulestø, Ragnhild ; Lillekroken, Daniela ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Bjørge, Heidi (2023). Different senses of one’s place: Exploring social adjustment to home-based care services among family caregivers from minority ethnic backgrounds who have relatives living with dementia. Dementia. Vol. 22.

Bjørge, Heidi ; Gunnheim, Niklas; Bachke, André ; Anker-Rasch, Celina; Sheikoleslami, Rohangez ; Finstad, Ann-Kristin ; Karterud, Dag ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Lohne, Vibeke ; Sæterstrand, Torill Margaret (2023). The solitary and uncertain learning process: A qualitative study of nursing students’ experiences in the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. Vol. 18.

Sæterstrand, Torill Margaret; Blomberg, Karin ; Finstad, Ann-Kristin ; Sheikoleslami, Rohangez ; Bjørge, Heidi ; Halvorsrud, Liv ; Karterud, Dag (2021). Caring, Learning and Learning Environment in the Early Stage of the Pandemic. "I want to become a nurse to contribute to society!" Nursing students experiences 3 months into a pandemic-views on study situation and thoughts on a future in nursing. International Journal of Caring Sciences (IJCS). Vol. 14.

Gulestø, Ragnhild ; Lillekroken, Daniela ; Bjørge, Heidi ; Halvorsrud, Liv (2021). Interactions between healthcare personnel and family caregivers of people with dementia from minority ethnic backgrounds in home-based care—An explorative qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol. 78.

Lillekroken, Daniela ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Gulestø, Ragnhild ; Bjørge, Heidi (2021). Family caregivers’ experiences of providing care for family members from minority ethnic groups living with dementia: A qualitative systematic review. 17 s. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

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