Fields of study
Subject areas
Human rights HIV/AIDS Discourses International, comparative education International politics Education and Development African Literature Indigenous knowledge American Civilization and Literature
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Andresen, Hege;
Breidlid, Anders
The Young Pioneers of Cuba: The Formation of Cuban Citizens through Civic Education
Seehawer, Maren;
Breidlid, Anders
Dialogue between epistemologies as quality education. Integrating knowledges in Sub-Saharan African classrooms to foster sustainability learning and contextually relevant education.
6 p.
Social Sciences & Humanities Open.
Vol. 4.
Breidlid, Anders (2020). Beyond the Western paradigm: Indigenization of education systems, the sustainable development goals and state building in Sub-Saharan Africa. Breidlid, Anders; Krøvel, Roy (Ed.). Indigenous Knowledges and the Sustainable Development Agenda. p. 13-32. Routledge.
Breidlid, Anders ; Krøvel, Roy (2020). Indigenous Knowledges and the Sustainable Development Agenda. ISBN: 9780367425968. 256 p. Routledge.
Heltne, Unni Marie; Dybdahl, Ragnhild; Sherif, Suliama;
Breidlid, Anders
Psychosocial Support and Emergency Education: An Explorative Study of Perceptions among Adult Stakeholders in Sudan and South Sudan.
Skårås, Merethe
; Carsillo, Tami;
Breidlid, Anders
The ethnic/local, the national and the global: Global citizenship education in South Sudan.
British Journal of Educational Studies.
Breidlid, Anders
Education and Armed Conflict in Sudan and South Sudan: The Role of Teachers in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building.
Journal of Advances in Education Research.
Vol. Vol. 4.
Skårås, Merethe
Breidlid, Anders
Teaching the violent past in secondary schools in new independent South Sudan.
21 p.
Education as Change (EAC).
Vol. 20.
Breidlid, Anders (2016). Educación,conocimientos indígenas y desarrollo en el sur global. Cuestionando los conocimientos para un futuro sostenible. ISBN: 978-987-722-212-8. 311 p. CLACSO Latin American Council of Social Sciences.
Breidlid, Anders (2016). Indigenous knowledges and Western epistemology: the challenges of sustainable development in education in the global South. Anja, Heikkinen; Aaro, Harju (Ed.). Adult education and the Planetary Condition. p. 16-30. Finnish Adult Education Association.