Norwegian version
Anders Molander

Anders Molander

Scientific publications

Molander, Anders (2023). Reason and Justice: Hobbes´s dispute with the Fool. 21 p. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie.

Christensen, Johan; Holst, Cathrine; Molander, Anders (2022). Expertise, Policy-making and Democracy. ISBN: 9780367617769. 128 p. Routledge.

Holst, Cathrine; Molander, Anders (2022). Asymmetry, Disagreement and Biases: Epistemic Worries about Expertise. Baghramian, Maria; Martini, Carlo (Ed.). Questioning Experts and Expertise. Routledge.

Molander, Anders ; Torsvik, Gaute (2021). In Their Own Best Interest. Is There a Paternalistic Case for Welfare Conditionality?. Journal of Social Policy. Vol. 51.

Torsvik, Gaute; Molander, Anders ; Terum, Lars Inge (2021). The will to sanction: How sensitive are caseworkers to recipients’ responsibility when imposing sanctions on non-compliance in a welfare-to-work programme?. International Journal of Social Welfare. Vol. 31.

Holst, Cathrine; Molander, Anders (2021). Responding to Crises—Worries About Expertization. Riddervold, Marianne; Trondal, Jarle; Newsome, Akasemi (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of EU Crises. p. 647-665. Palgrave Macmillan.

Holst, Cathrine; Molander, Anders (2020). Epistemic Worries about Economic Expertise. Fossum, John Erik; Batora, Jozef (Ed.). Towards a Segmented European Political Order. The European Union's Post-crises Conundrum. p. 72-92. Routledge.

Molander, Anders (2020). Discretion. LaFollette, Hugh (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Ethics (2020). Wiley-Blackwell.

Holst, Cathrine; Molander, Anders (2019). Jon Elster. Atkinson, Paul; Delamont, Sara; Williams, Richard A.; Cernat, Alexandru; Sakshaug, Joseph (Ed.). SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage Publications.

Molander, Anders ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Skjønnsutøvelse. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 347-359. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete