Norwegian version
Lars Inge Terum

Lars Inge Terum

Research projects

Scientific publications

Fekjær, Silje ; Øverbye, Einar ; Terum, Lars Inge (2023). Who deserves to be sanctioned? A vignette experiment of ethnic discrimination among street-level bureaucrats. 15 p. Acta Sociologica.

Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Terum, Lars Inge (2022). Sanctioning the sick: Do perceptions of activating the sick and diagnosis matter?. Social Policy & Administration. Vol. 56.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2022). Dedication to work: social workers in a Norwegian activation work context. 15 p. European Journal of Social Work.

Torsvik, Gaute; Molander, Anders ; Terum, Lars Inge (2021). The will to sanction: How sensitive are caseworkers to recipients’ responsibility when imposing sanctions on non-compliance in a welfare-to-work programme?. International Journal of Social Welfare. Vol. 31.

Terum, Lars Inge ; Sadeghi, Talieh (2021). Hva gjør individuell tilpasning av aktivitetskrav utfordrende? En studie av veiledere ved lokalkontorene i Nav. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. Vol. 38.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2020). Frontline managers' perceptions and justifications of behavioural conditionality. Social Policy & Administration. Vol. 54.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Kompetanse. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 325-346. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bay, Ann-Helén ; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. ISBN: 978-82-05-50231-4. 370 p. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bay, Ann-Helén ; Hatland, Aksel; Pedersen, Axel West ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Kapittel 1: Trygd, arbeid og aktivering. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 13-32. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Grødem, Anne Skevik ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Kommunal inntektssikring. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 251-268. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete