Norwegian version
Lars Inge Terum

Lars Inge Terum

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social work   Sociology

Subject areas

Work approach   Studies of professions   Activation policies   Frontlinework

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Alecu, Andreea Ioana ; Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2024). Street-level bureaucrats’ attitudes towards clients in discretionary decision-making: Evidence from the Norwegian labour and welfare administration. Public Policy and Administration.

Fekjær, Silje ; Øverbye, Einar ; Terum, Lars Inge (2023). Who deserves to be sanctioned? A vignette experiment of ethnic discrimination among street-level bureaucrats. 15 p. Acta Sociologica.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2022). Dedication to work: social workers in a Norwegian activation work context. 15 p. European Journal of Social Work.

Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Terum, Lars Inge (2022). Sanctioning the sick: Do perceptions of activating the sick and diagnosis matter?. Social Policy & Administration. Vol. 56.

Terum, Lars Inge ; Sadeghi, Talieh (2021). Hva gjør individuell tilpasning av aktivitetskrav utfordrende? En studie av veiledere ved lokalkontorene i Nav. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. Vol. 38.

Torsvik, Gaute; Molander, Anders ; Terum, Lars Inge (2021). The will to sanction: How sensitive are caseworkers to recipients’ responsibility when imposing sanctions on non-compliance in a welfare-to-work programme?. International Journal of Social Welfare. Vol. 31.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2020). Frontline managers' perceptions and justifications of behavioural conditionality. Social Policy & Administration. Vol. 54.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Kompetanse. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 325-346. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Molander, Anders ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Skjønnsutøvelse. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 347-359. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Molander, Anders ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Aktivering. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 85-114. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete