I`m lead researcher of the research- and innovation project BoVEL, funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN), and in collaboration with No Isolation and Oslo Municipality.
I`m also preoccupied with digitalization and innovation in public health- and social services, and the conditions of public-private collaboration in these services. For that reason, I`m part of the university EAE `Resaerch Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship` (CEDIC), which centres on the unintended consequences of the ongoing digitalization of welfare services.
At the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy I am part of the academic unit `Service Organization and Innovation in Social Work and Child Protection`. From 2020 to 2024, I was head of that unit.
My PhD project was about General Practitioners` approaches to diagnosis when patients are presenting with `medically unexplained symptoms` or `uncertain illness`. The thesis explores the relationship between knowledge and ambiguity from a sociology of knowledge perspective.
As a postdoctoral fellow, I was part of the research network WATT (Welfare Access Through Technology, a precursor of CEDIC). I explored the development, implementation and uses of social technologies and so-called `welfare technologies` more broadly. I was also lead researcher of the RCN-funded project 'Simple and Safe Point of Contact with Relatives', a pandemic response project in collaboration between OsloMet, the tech-company No Isolation, and Oslo municipality. I was also work package leader in Virtual Presence (also funded by RCN). In addition, I led the 'REACH Core Group' at the department, which was part of the interdisciplinary research environment REACH, where user-driven and service-oriented research was in focus.
- Research interests: The sociologies of (scientific) knowledge, science, technology, medicine and professions, not to mention theory and theorizing in the social sciences, qualitative research methods and methodology, science studies, cultural sociology and social theory more broadly. And Merton.
- Research methods: Mostly qualitative methods, and in particular forms of document/ textual analysis, interviews and focus group interviews.
Research groups
Research projects
Choosing wisely: Assessments of treatment for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
We aim to gain new knowledge about physiotherapists and GPs' assessments of the choice of treatment for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Safe and Simple Point of Contact with Relatives
Research and innovation project with loneliness-reducing technology in elderly care in Oslo, where Nursing Home agency, City of Oslo (SYE) and No Isolation will adapt the consumer technology KOMP for use in institutions.
Virtual Presence: A Cultural Analysis of the Emergence of 'Telepresence Technologies' as a Solution to Loneliness
The research project will provide a cultural analysis of how loneliness is perceived and represented in relation to the emerging phenomenon of loneliness technologies
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Johannessen, Lars E. F.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Intervjuer på Teams og telefon: Hva slags data gir medierte intervjuer?.
Leseth, Anne Birgitte; Mangset, Marte; Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir; Ihlebæk, Hanna Marie (Ed.).
Tett på profesjon, arbeid og politikk: Kvalitative metodeutfordringer og verktøy for å løse dem. p. 69-89.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Bavngaard, Martin Vinther; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Johannessen, Lars E. F.
; Rees, Gethin
Diagnosing by anticipation: Coordinating patient trajectories within and across social systems.
Sociology of Health and Illness.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Johannessen, Lars E. F.
Theorizing theory: Invitation to a broader conversation about ‘theory’ in sociology.
Sociology Compass.
Johannessen, Lars E. F.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Haldar, Marit
Educational purity and technological danger: understanding scepticism towards the use of telepresence robots in school.
British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Vol. 44.
Bavngaard, Martin Vinther;
Lund, Anne
Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
(PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review.
PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.
Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Terum, Lars Inge
Sanctioning the sick: Do perceptions of activating the sick and diagnosis matter?.
Social Policy & Administration.
Vol. 56.
Johannessen, Lars E. F.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Haldar, Marit
Student at a distance: exploring the potential and prerequisites of using telepresence robots in schools.
Oxford Review of Education.
Köhler-Olsen, Julia ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Johannessen, Lars E. F. ; Haldar, Marit (2021). Deltakelse og verdighet - et kritisk-konstruktivt perspektiv på medborgerskap og personvern i nærværsteknologiens tid. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. Vol. 38.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Askheim, Clemet
; Oppedal, Bjarne;
Haldar, Marit
Varm teknologi mot ensomhet blant eldre? En skriptanalyse av kommunikasjonsløsningen KOMP.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.