Norwegian version
Erik Børve Rasmussen

Erik Børve Rasmussen


I`m lead researcher of the research- and innovation project BoVEL, funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN), and in collaboration with No Isolation and Oslo Municipality.

I`m also preoccupied with digitalization and innovation in public health- and social services, and the conditions of public-private collaboration in these services. For that reason, I`m part of the university EAE `Resaerch Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship` (CEDIC), which centres on the unintended consequences of the ongoing digitalization of welfare services. 

At the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy I am part of the academic unit `Service Organization and Innovation in Social Work and Child Protection`. From 2020 to 2024, I was head of that unit.

My PhD project was about General Practitioners` approaches to diagnosis when patients are presenting with `medically unexplained symptoms` or `uncertain illness`. The thesis explores the relationship between knowledge and ambiguity from a sociology of knowledge perspective.

As a postdoctoral fellow, I was part of the research network WATT (Welfare Access Through Technology, a precursor of CEDIC). I explored the development, implementation and uses of social technologies and so-called `welfare technologies` more broadly. I was also lead researcher of the RCN-funded project 'Simple and Safe Point of Contact with Relatives', a pandemic response project in collaboration between OsloMet, the tech-company No Isolation, and Oslo municipality. I was also work package leader in Virtual Presence (also funded by RCN). In addition, I led the 'REACH Core Group' at the department, which was part of the interdisciplinary research environment REACH, where user-driven and service-oriented research was in focus.

Research projects

Scientific publications

Johannessen, Lars E. F. ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2024). Intervjuer på Teams og telefon: Hva slags data gir medierte intervjuer?. Leseth, Anne Birgitte; Mangset, Marte; Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir; Ihlebæk, Hanna Marie (Ed.). Tett på profesjon, arbeid og politikk: Kvalitative metodeutfordringer og verktøy for å løse dem. p. 69-89. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.

Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Johannessen, Lars E. F. ; Rees, Gethin (2023). Diagnosing by anticipation: Coordinating patient trajectories within and across social systems. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Johannessen, Lars E. F. (2023). Theorizing theory: Invitation to a broader conversation about ‘theory’ in sociology. Sociology Compass.

Johannessen, Lars E. F. ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Haldar, Marit (2023). Educational purity and technological danger: understanding scepticism towards the use of telepresence robots in school. British Journal of Sociology of Education. Vol. 44.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.

Fekjær, Silje Bringsrud ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Terum, Lars Inge (2022). Sanctioning the sick: Do perceptions of activating the sick and diagnosis matter?. Social Policy & Administration. Vol. 56.

Johannessen, Lars E. F. ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Haldar, Marit (2022). Student at a distance: exploring the potential and prerequisites of using telepresence robots in schools. Oxford Review of Education.

Köhler-Olsen, Julia ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Johannessen, Lars E. F. ; Haldar, Marit (2021). Deltakelse og verdighet - et kritisk-konstruktivt perspektiv på medborgerskap og personvern i nærværsteknologiens tid. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. Vol. 38.

Rasmussen, Erik Børve ; Askheim, Clemet ; Oppedal, Bjarne; Haldar, Marit (2021). Varm teknologi mot ensomhet blant eldre? En skriptanalyse av kommunikasjonsløsningen KOMP. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete