Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Mathisen, Birgit Røe;
Knudsen, Anders Graver
Extending the professional borders or maintaining the status quo? Union membership as boundary work.
18 p.
Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.
Hornmoen, Harald
Knudsen, Anders Graver
Critically Contextualising a Mega-Event: Nordic Sports Commentaries During the 2022 World Cup in Football.
Media and Communication.
Vol. 12.
Mathisen, Birgit Røe; Knudsen, Anders Graver (2022). High job-satisfaction and a precarious future: the double edged nature of freelancing. Mathisen, Birgit Røe (Ed.). Journalism between disruption and resilience - Reflections on the Norwegian Experience. p. 60-82. Routledge.
Knudsen, Anders Graver
Dealing with doping: Representations of morality and health in a "forgotten" case.
Hornmoen, Harald; Fonn, Birgitte Kjos; Hyde-Clarke, Nathalie; Hågvar, Yngve Benestad (Ed.).
Media Health. The Personal in Public Stories. p. 121-142.
Knudsen, Anders Graver
; Mathisen, Birgit Røe
Sårbarhet og avmakt? Arbeidsvilkår for norske
mediefrilansere i en endringsutsatt bransje.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Fonn, Birgitte Kjos ; Bjerke, Paul; Knudsen, Anders Graver ; Mathisen, Birgit Røe (2019). Langt mer enn Akersgata – et nytt landskap tar form. Bjerke, Paul; Fonn, Birgitte Kjos; Mathisen, Birgit Røe (Ed.). Journalistikk, profesjon og endring. p. 65-92. Orkana Forlag.
Rahman, Golam; Frey, Elsebeth ; El Bour, Hamida; Knudsen, Anders Graver ; Rhaman, Mofizur; Steien, Solveig; Yacoub, Taoufik (2017). Core Values of Journalism among Students in Bangladesh, Norway and Tunisia: A Comparative Study. Daffodil Journal of Humanities & Social Science. Vol. 4.
Bjørnsen, Gunn; Knudsen, Anders Graver (2016). Burdens of Representation. Recruitment and Attitudes towards Journalism among Journalism Students With Ethnic Minority Backgrounds. Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Nygren, Gunnar; Zilliacus-Tikkanen, Henrika (Ed.). Becoming a Journalist: Journalism Education in the Nordic Countries. p. 205-224. Nordicom.
Eide, Elisabeth
Krøvel, Roy
Knudsen, Anders Marius
Transnational orientations in a global media landscape: Youth, media, war and conflict.
Conflict & Communication Online.
Vol. 13.
Eide, Elisabeth ; Knudsen, Anders Marius (2013). Afghansk ungdom: mediebruk, krig og konflikt. Ottosen, Rune; Eide, Elisabeth (Ed.). Den lengste krigen. Medidekningen av krigen i Afghanistan. p. 201-215. Abstrakt forlag.