Professor Emerita. Research projects: Media and climate change, Media and marginalization (including gender), Afghanistan and media, Conflict- and peace journalism.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Media studies and journalism Humanities Geosciences
Research groups
Research projects
Unpacking the Modern Working Class: Life Chances, Social Cohesion and Recognition in an Age of Migration
The project raises four crucial question that seek to describe the contemporary working class, its political orientation, lived experience and their media representations
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Eide, Elisabeth (2023). "Da musikken døde - igjen" Om situasjonen for musikere i Afghanistan etter at Taliban tok over. Samtiden.
Eide, Elisabeth ; Røsok-Dahl, Heidi (2023). Brobyggere med båt: "Skamløse jenters" identitetsnavigering. Alghasi, Sharam; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Ed.). Flerkulturelle scenarioer: Mur, bro eller båt? . p. 182-206. Cappelen Damm AS.
Eide, Elisabeth ; Skaufjord, Terje (2022). India - på vei mot hindunasjonalisme. ISBN: 9788282262521. 430 p. Res Publica.
Eide, Elisabeth
; Kunelius, Risto
Voices of a generation the communicative power of youth activism.
19 p.
Climatic Change.
Vol. 169.
Figenschou, Tine Ustad
Eide, Elisabeth
; Nilsen, Ruth Einervoll
Investigations of a journalistic blind spot: Class, constructors, and carers in Norwegian media.
16 p.
Nordicom Review.
Vol. 42.
Eide, Elisabeth (2021). Media setting the agenda The various shapes of media othering. Bhugra, Dinesh; Ayonrinde, Oyedeji; Tolentino Jr, Edgardo Juan; Valsraj, Koravangattu; Ventriglio, Antonio (Ed.). The Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry. p. 375-382. Oxford University Press.
Eide, Elisabeth ; Figenschou, Tine Ustad (2021). Arbeidsliv, arbeidsfolk og klasse i norske aviser. Ljunggren, Jørn; Hansen, Marianne Nordli (Ed.). Arbeiderklassen. p. 331-352. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Eide, Elisabeth ; Bamezai, Gita (2020). Building gender literacy: improving gender perspectives in journalism studies. 13 p. Journalism Education. Vol. 9. file:///C:/Users/elisabe/AppData/Local/Temp/introd
Eide, Elisabeth
Transnational contextualisation: seeing the world from there, here and in-between.
20 p.
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power.
Eide, Elisabeth
Mobile Flight: Refugees and the Importance of Cell Phones.
14 p.
Nordic Journal of Migration Research.
Vol. 10.