Norwegian version
Heidi Røsok-Dahl

Heidi Røsok-Dahl


PhD Fellow at OsloMet, research concentrating on news media and how they reach young audiences with news. Ethnographic fieldwork at public broadcaster NRK in the fall/winter of 2022. Fields of interest include Gatekeeping, platform power, news on social media, audience engagement, news avoidance, constructive journalism, ethnograpic method. Former videojournalist in NTB and reporter in TV 2. Have been teaching journalism at all levels, especially focusing on videojournalism at OsloMet from 2015-2022, before embarking on the PhD-journey. Part of the Digital Journalism research group at OsloMet and DIGIT research school. 

Scientific publications

Røsok-Dahl, Heidi ; Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea (2024). Young People and News: A Systematic Literature Review. 20 p. Journalism Studies. Vol. 25.

Røsok-Dahl, Heidi ; Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (2024). Snapping the news: Dynamic gatekeeping in a public service media newsroom reaching young people with news on Snapchat. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.

Eide, Elisabeth ; Røsok-Dahl, Heidi (2023). Brobyggere med båt: "Skamløse jenters" identitetsnavigering. Alghasi, Sharam; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Ed.). Flerkulturelle scenarioer: Mur, bro eller båt? . p. 182-206. Cappelen Damm AS.

Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine ; Olsen, Gunhild Ring ; Røsok-Dahl, Heidi (2022). Unpacking Value Creation Dynamics in Journalism Education. A Covid-19 Case Study. Journalism Practice.

Røsok-Dahl, Heidi ; Orgeret, Kristin (2020). Sports Journalism, Interns and #MeToo – did anything change?. Journalistica.

Eide, Elisabeth ; Røsok-Dahl, Heidi (2019). Strategically Shameless Voices? Young Women Speak for Themselves. Moy, Patricia; Matheson, Donald (Ed.). Voices Exploring the Shifting Contours of Communication. Peter Lang Publishing Group.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete