Norwegian version
Frode Nordås

Frode Nordås


Frode Nordås is Associate Professor, Dr. art. He currently works in media studies at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, OsloMet. He is part of the research group Innovation, entrepreneurship and design in media (MIED). In 2006 he completed his Doctoral Thesis in film, on Digital film production in Norway at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He teach mostly different aspects of media production and have a broad experience from media production: TV-news, documentary and feature films.

Research groups

Scientific publications

Nordås, Frode Nesbø (2015). Webkringkasting – til nye sjåarar på YouTube. Vaagan, Robert Wallace; Barland, Jens (Ed.). Entreprenørskap og ledelse i media. p. 63-83. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete