Research, teaching and dissemination in the field of media and journalism with a particular focus on media in conflict, freedom of speech, media’s societal role, and power relations. Dr. Art with her dissertation on public service broadcasting in post-apartheid South Africa. Awarded OsloMet's Dissemination Prize 2022.
Heading the research group MEKK – Media in War and Conflict, with Roy Krøvel. MEKK organizes annual Safety of Journalists conferences every first week in November. Please see: https://www.oslomet.no/forskning/forskningsgrupper/mekk Leading the NRC-funded project ‘Decoding Digital Media in African regions of Conflict’ (DD-MAC) with partners from the Netherlands, Ethiopia, Mali, and with Norwegian SIMULA (2021–2025). Leading the NORPART project 'Expanding Horizons in Media and Journalism studies' with partners in Tanzania, Uganda, Colombia and Nicaragua (2021–2025) and the Intpart project ‘Safety Matters’ on journalist safety, with partners in Brazil, South Africa, and the USA (2021–2025) with Roy Krøvel.
Research groups
Research projects
Decoding digital media in African regions of conflict (DDMAC)
The key goal of DDMAC is to gather empirical evidence defining and demonstrating the use, spread, content, and agenda-setting role of social media in regions of conflicts in sub- Saharan Africa.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Orgeret, Kristin (2024). Frihet, likhet og – likestilling?. Aukrust, Kjerstin; Rieker, Pernille (Ed.). Franske tilstander Forstå det moderne Frankrike. p. 180-202. Universitetsforlaget.
Krøvel, Roy
Palumbo, Fabrizio
Orgeret, Kristin
Introduction: Understanding Roots and Betweenness Defining Safety of Journalists as a Sub-Field of Research. Reading between the Lines.
Journalism Studies.
Vol. 24.
Orgeret, Kristin (2023). Collaboration in Journalist Education: Finding Multiple Perspectives through Global Journalism and Local Practices. Mutsvairo, Bruce; Bebawi, Saba; Borges-Rey, Eddy (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Journalism in the Global South. p. 293-301. Routledge.
Osei-Appiah, Sally; Mutsvairo, Bruce;
Orgeret, Kristin
Women and digital political communication in non-Western societies.
10 p.
Information, Communication & Society.
Vol. 26.
Orgeret, Kristin
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication in Africa: An Intersectional Perspective.
Nussbaum, Jon (Ed.).
Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Communication.
Oxford University Press.
Orgeret, Kristin
; Danielsen, Dina; Rustad, Malene Emilie
–Vær forsiktig nå med Kvinnen! Kjønn, yrkesutøvelse og sikkerhet hos norske utenriksjournalister i felt.
Norsk Medietidsskrift.
Vol. 30.
Schroeder,, Daniel Thilo; de Bruijn, Mirjam; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Bruls, Luca; Badji, Samba Dialimpa; Langguth, Johannes; Mutsvairo, Bruce; Orgeret, Kristin (2023). Social Media in the Global South: A Network Dataset of the Malian Twittersphere. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities.
Westlund, Oscar
Krøvel, Roy
Orgeret, Kristin
Newsafety: Infrastructures, Practices and Consequences.
17 p.
Journalism Practice.
Vol. 16.
Orgeret, Kristin ; Mutsvairo, Bruce (2022). Theorizing Journalism and the Global South. Allan, Stuart (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. Routledge.
Orgeret, Kristin
; Mutsvairo, Bruce; Ragnedda, Massimo
Era or error of transformation? Assessing afrocentric attributes to digitalization.
Information, Communication & Society.