Oscar Westlund (PhD) is Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Oslo Metropolitan University, where he co- leads the OsloMet Digital Journalism Research Group. He holds secondary appointment at University of Gothenburg. Westlund specializes in digital journalism, fact-checking, platforms, media management, news consumption, and mobile media. Westlund is the Editor-in-Chief of Digital Journalism, and has also guest edited special issues for numerous other leading international journals. He is currently involved in several research projects focusing on misinformation.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Library and information science Media studies and journalism
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
The Epistemologies of Digital News Production
The project studies journalists’ concrete judgments, handling of sources and data, and their overall knowledge-producing activities in distinct stages of the news production process that ultimately lead to news publishing.
The Source Criticism And Mediated Disinformation (SCAM)
The SCAM project will identify the main challenges related to the ways in which technology and platforms affect the distribution of disinformation in public spheres and ways to detect and counter it.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Westlund, Oscar ; Krøvel, Roy ; Orgeret, Kristin Skare (2024). Journalism and Safety. An Introduction to the Field. ISBN: 9781032705750. Taylor & Francis.
Linden, Carl-Gustav; Villi, Mikko;
Westlund, Oscar
The (mobile) news ecosystem milestone.
Pavlik, John (Ed.).
Milestones in digital journalism. p. 89-107.
Westlund, Oscar
; Belair-Gagnon, Valerie; Graves, Lucas; Larsen, Rebekah;
Steensen, Steen
What Is the Problem with Misinformation? Fact-checking as a Sociotechnical and Problem-Solving Practice.
20 p.
Journalism Studies.
Vol. 25.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
; Tenenboim, Ori; Hess, Kristy;
Westlund, Oscar
; Linden, Carl-Gustav; Broersma, Marcel
Platform paradoxes and public service media legitimacy: a cross-national study.
Information, Communication & Society.
Ramsälv, Amanda; Ekstrom, Mats;
Westlund, Oscar
The epistemologies of data journalism.
18 p.
New Media & Society.
Steensen, Steen
Kalsnes, Bente
Westlund, Oscar
The limits of live fact-checking: Epistemological consequences of introducing a breaking news logic to political fact-checking.
New Media & Society.
Bélair-Gagnon, Valérie; Larsen, Rebekah; Graves, Lucas; Westlund, Oscar (2023). Knowledge Work in Platform Fact-Checking Partnerships. 20 p. International Journal of Communication. Vol. 17.
Silva-Rodríguez, Alba; Sixto-García, José; Rodríguez-Vázquez, Ana-Isabel;
Westlund, Oscar
Models for Mobile Communication and Effects on the Boundaries of Journalism.
Negreira-Rey, María-Cruz; Vázquez-Herrero, Jorge; Sixto-García, José; López-García, Xosé (Ed.).
Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media
New Actors, Models and Practices. p. 201-213.
Belair-Gagnon, Valerie; Larsen, Rebekah; Graves, Lucas;
Westlund, Oscar
Knowledge Work in Platform Fact-Checking Partnerships.
International Journal of Communication.
Vol. 17.
Steensen, Steen
; Belair-Gagnon, Valerie; Graves, Lucas;
Kalsnes, Bente
Westlund, Oscar
Journalism and Source Criticism. Revised Approaches to Assessing Truth-Claims.
Journalism Studies.
Vol. 23.