Kort om
Oscar Westlund (PhD) is Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Oslo Metropolitan University, where he co- leads the OsloMet Digital Journalism Research Group. He holds secondary appointment at University of Gothenburg. Westlund specializes in digital journalism, fact-checking, platforms, media management, news consumption, and mobile media. Westlund is the Editor-in-Chief of Digital Journalism, and has also guest edited special issues for numerous other leading international journals. He is currently involved in several research projects focusing on misinformation.
Biblioteks- og informasjonsvitenskap Medievitenskap og journalistikk
Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter
The Source Criticism And Mediated Disinformation (SCAM)
Forskningsprosjektet vil utvikle ny kunnskap og metoder som er egnet til å oppdage og motvirke spredning av desinformasjon i demokratiske samfunn.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Westlund, Oscar
Krøvel, Roy
Orgeret, Kristin Skare
Introduction to the Practice and State of Journalism amid Dangerous Times.
Westlund, Oscar; Krøvel, Roy; Orgeret, Kristin Skare (Red.).
Journalism and Safety. An Introduction to the Field.
Taylor & Francis.
Westlund, Oscar ; Krøvel, Roy ; Orgeret, Kristin Skare (2024). Journalism and Safety. An Introduction to the Field. ISBN: 9781032705750. Taylor & Francis.
Westlund, Oscar
; Merja, Myllylahti; Chua, Sherwin
Platform Business Poses Risks for News Publishers.
Eldridge, Scott A.; Cheruiyot, David; Banjac, Sandra; Swart, Joëlle (Red.).
The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. s. 216-225.
Orgeret, Kristin Skare; Westlund, Oscar ; Krøvel, Roy (2024). Journalism and Safety Digital Threats, Professional Fragilities, and Safety Cultures. ISBN: 9781032881942. 324 s. Taylor & Francis.
Westlund, Oscar ; Krøvel, Roy; Orgeret, Kristin Skare (2024). Journalism and Safety: An Introduction to the Field. ISBN: 9781032702940. 324 s. Taylor & Francis.
Linden, Carl-Gustav; Villi, Mikko;
Westlund, Oscar
The (mobile) news ecosystem milestone.
Pavlik, John (Red.).
Milestones in digital journalism. s. 89-107.
Westlund, Oscar
; Belair-Gagnon, Valerie; Graves, Lucas; Larsen, Rebekah;
Steensen, Steen
What Is the Problem with Misinformation? Fact-checking as a Sociotechnical and Problem-Solving Practice.
20 s.
Journalism Studies.
Vol. 25.
Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine
; Tenenboim, Ori; Hess, Kristy;
Westlund, Oscar
; Linden, Carl-Gustav; Broersma, Marcel
Platform paradoxes and public service media legitimacy: a cross-national study.
Information, Communication & Society.
Ramsälv, Amanda; Ekstrom, Mats;
Westlund, Oscar
The epistemologies of data journalism.
18 s.
New Media & Society.
Steensen, Steen
Kalsnes, Bente
Westlund, Oscar
The limits of live fact-checking: Epistemological consequences of introducing a breaking news logic to political fact-checking.
New Media & Society.