Norwegian version
Talieh Sadeghi

Talieh Sadeghi

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Personality psychology   Social and occupational psychology   Social work

Subject areas

Studies of professions   Activation policies   Quanitative research methods

Research projects

Scientific publications

Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus ; Sadeghi, Talieh (2023). The Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI): a scoping review of versions, translations and psychometric properties. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 14.

Finne, Joakim ; Sadeghi, Talieh ; Bring Løberg, Ida; Bakkeli, Vidar ; Sehic, Belma ; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (2023). Predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up in Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration: A sequential mixed-methods study. Social Policy & Administration.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Finne, Joakim ; Løberg, Ida Bring; Bakkeli, Vidar ; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (2023). Comparing digital to traditional follow-up in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration: A youth perspective on trust and satisfaction. 13 p. Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research. Vol. 8.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2022). Dedication to work: social workers in a Norwegian activation work context. 15 p. European Journal of Social Work.

Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus ; Sadeghi, Talieh ; Bonsaksen, Tore ; Graham, Ian D.; Aas, Randi Wågø (2022). Working with alcohol prevention in occupational health services: “knowing how” is more important than “knowing that” – the WIRUS OHS study. 12 p. Addiction science & clinical practice. Vol. 17.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Wiers-Jenssen, Jannecke ; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (2022). International student mobility and labour market outcomes: the role of personality dimensions. 24 p. Research in Comparative and International Education.

Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus ; Sadeghi, Talieh ; Wiers-Jenssen, Jannecke (2021). Internal consistency and structural validity of the Norwegian translation of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. 9 p. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 12.

Terum, Lars Inge ; Sadeghi, Talieh (2021). Hva gjør individuell tilpasning av aktivitetskrav utfordrende? En studie av veiledere ved lokalkontorene i Nav. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. Vol. 38.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2020). Frontline managers' perceptions and justifications of behavioural conditionality. Social Policy & Administration. Vol. 54.

Sadeghi, Talieh ; Terum, Lars Inge (2019). Kompetanse. Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale; Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.). Trygd i aktiveringens tid. p. 325-346. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete