Norwegian version
Andre Laestadius

Andre Laestadius


Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Theoretical chemistry, quantum chemistry   Physics   Applied mathematics   Condensed matter physics   Mathematic modelling and numerical methods   Electromagnetism, acoustics, optics

Subject areas

Density functional theory

Research groups

Research projects

Ongoing research projects


    The project researches Moreau-Yosida regularization in density-functional theory (DFT). Of particular interest is Kohn-Sham-DFT that uses one-particle orbitals to represent the one-body density.

Scientific publications

Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Laestadius, Andre ; Tellgren, Erik (2024). Thermodynamic limit for the magnetic uniform electron gas and representability of density-current pairs. Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 65.

Bakkestuen, Vebjørn Hallberg ; Falmår, Vegard ; Lotfigolian, Maryam ; Penz, Markus ; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Laestadius, Andre (2024). Quantum-Electrodynamical Density-Functional Theory Exemplified by the Quantum Rabi Model.

Bakkestuen, Vebjørn Hallberg ; Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Laestadius, Andre ; Penz, Markus (2024). Quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory for the Dicke Hamiltonian.

Herbst, Michael F.; Bakkestuen, Vebjørn Hallberg ; Laestadius, Andre (2024). Kohn-Sham inversion with mathematical guarantees.

Laestadius, Andre ; Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Penz, Markus; Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Rubio, Angel; Helgaker, Trygve (2024). Exchange-only virial relation from the adiabatic connection. Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 160.

Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas; Penz, Markus; Laestadius, Andre ; Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Rubio, Angel (2024). Exchange energies with forces in density-functional theory. Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 160.

Faulstich, Fabian M.; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Kvaal, Simen; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Laestadius, Andre (2023). The S-diagnostic - an a posteriori error assessment for single-reference coupled-cluster methods. 14 p. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 127.

Faulstich, Fabian M.; Laestadius, Andre (2023). Homotopy continuation methods for coupled-cluster theory in quantum chemistry. 9 p. Molecular Physics.

Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik Ingemar ; Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Laestadius, Andre (2023). The Structure of the Density-Potential Mapping. Part II: Including Magnetic Fields. ACS Physical Chemistry Au.

Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik Ingemar ; Csirik, Mihaly Andras ; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Laestadius, Andre (2023). The Structure of Density-Potential Mapping. Part I: Standard Density-Functional Theory. ACS Physical Chemistry Au. Vol. 3.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete