Norwegian version
Bo Mussmann

Bo Mussmann

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Radiology and diagnostic imaging   Health sciences

Scientific publications

Reitan, Anita ; Sanderud, Audun; Mussmann, Bo (2024). Radiographers’ role in justification of medical imaging examinations. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. Vol. 55.

Jensen, J.; Mussmann, Bo ; Pedersen, M.R.V.; Brage, K.; England, A.; Precht, H.; Mørup, S.D.; kusk, M.W.; Bollerup, C.N.; Lysdahlgaard, S.; Dietrich, A.V.; Hansen, K.E.; Pietersen, P.I. (2024). Virtual reality simulation for mastery learning of wrist radiograph technique. 6 p. Radiography. Vol. 30.

Elemans, Coen; Jiang, Weili; Jensen, Mikkel; Pichler, Helena; Mussmann, Bo ; Nattestad, Jacob; Wahlberg, Magnus; Zheng, Xudong; Xue, Qian; Fitch, Tecumseh (2024). Evolutionary novelties underlie sound production in baleen whales. Nature.

Pedersen, Malene Roland Vils; Precht, Helle; Jensen, Janni; Mussmann, Bo ; Abdi, Ahmed Jibril; Hansen, Pernille; Holm, Susie; Mørup, Svea Deppe; Brage, Karen (2024). Radiographers use of social media - SoMe in a Nordic perspective. Radiography.

Jensen, Christian Greve; Dybdahl, Marco; Valtersson, John; Mussmann, Bo ; Duus, Louise Aarup; Junker, Theresa; Pietersen, Pia Iben; Lund, Lars; Welch, Brian T.; Graumann, Ole (2024). Percutaneous Image-Guided Cryoablation of Endophytic Renal Cell Carcinoma. 8 p. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. Vol. 47.

Mussmann, Bo ; Larsen, T.R.; Godballe, M.; Abdi, A.J.; Kantsø, A.; Jakobsen, A.R.; Nielsen, M.V.; Jensen, J. (2024). Radiation dose to multidisciplinary staff members during complex interventional procedures. 4 p. Radiography. Vol. 30.

Rasmussen, A.-M.; Friismose, A.I.; Mussmann, Bo ; Lagerstrand, K.; Harbo, F.S.G.; Jensen, J. (2024). Repeatability of diffusion-based stiffness prediction – A healthy volunteer study. 6 p. Radiography. Vol. 30.

Røhme, Linn Andrea Gjerberg; Homme, Tora Fjeld ; Johansen, Cathrine Kiperberg; Schulz, Anselm; Aaløkken, Trond Mogens; Johansson, Ellen; Johansen, Safora ; Mussmann, Bo ; Brunborg, Cathrine; Eikvar, Lars Kristian; Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde (2024). Image quality and radiation doses in abdominal CT: A multicenter study. European Journal of Radiology. Vol. 178.

Mørup, Svea Deppe; Mussmann, Bo ; Pedersen, Malene Roland Vils; Rasmussen, Lykke Moseholm; Gaarde, Katrine; Jensen, Janni (2023). 3D wrist imaging – Is it time for superman to retire?. 6 p. Journal of clinical imaging science.

Mussmann, Bo ; Skov, Peter Marshall; Lorentzen, Morten Hjarnø; Skjøt-Arkil, Helene; Graumann, Ole; Andersen, Michael Bruun; Jensen, Janni (2023). Ultra-low-dose emergency chest computed tomography protocols in three vendors: A technical note. 5 p. Acta Radiologica Open. Vol. 12.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete