Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Häikiö, Kristin
Christiansen, Carl
Kveen, Rune
Flaathen, Eva Marie
Hagen, Milada
Assessing ambulance staff attitudes toward mental health conditions: translation and psychometric evaluation of the medical condition regard scale among ambulance staff.
BMC Psychology.
Vol. 12.
Christiansen, Carl
Andersen, Jeanette Viggen
; Dieckmann, Gerhard Peter
Comparing reflection levels between facilitator-led and student-led debriefing in simulation training for paramedic students.
Advances in Simulation.
Vol. 8.
Ilczak, Tomasz; Rak, Małgorzata; Sumera, Kacper;
Christiansen, Carl
; Navarro-Illana, Esther; Alanen, Pasi; Jormakka, Juha; Gurková, Elena; Jarošová, Darja; Boguská, Danka; Cwiertnia, Michał; Mikulska, Monika; Pollok-Wakma´ nska, Wioletta; Bobinski, Rafał; Kawecki, Marek
Differences in Perceived Occupational Stress by Demographic
Characteristics, of European Emergency Medical Services
Personnel during the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic—An
International Study.
10 p.
Vol. 9.
Häikiö, Kristin
Andersen, Jeanette Viggen
; Bakkerud, Morten;
Christiansen, Carl
; Rand, Kim;
Staff, Trine
A retrospective survey study of paramedic students’ exposure to SARS‑CoV‑2, participation in the COVID‑19 pandemic response, and health‑related quality of life.
13 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine.
Vol. 29.