Norwegian version
Dag Jansson

Dag Jansson

Scientific publications

Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik ; Jansson, Dag (2024). Personal strength and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of cultural workers in the music sector. Psychology of Music.

Jansson, Dag ; Døving, Erik ; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (2024). Serious musicking: choral pedagogy in ‘low-threshold’ choirs. Music Education Research. Vol. 26.

Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik ; Jansson, Dag (2023). Å falle mellom alle stoler under koronapandemien. Kulturarbeidere med multiple tilknytningsformer til arbeidslivet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 26.

Jansson, Dag (2023). The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership. Organizational Aesthetics. Vol. 12.

Jansson, Dag (2023). The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership. Organizational Aesthetics. Vol. 12.

Jansson, Dag ; Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik (2022). Inescapably Les Misérables? Understanding the Sensemaking of the Artistic Precariat. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society. Vol. 53.

Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik ; Jansson, Dag (2022). Precariousness during an ongoing crisis. Cultural workers and the corona pandemic. 17 p. Industrial relations journal. Vol. 53.

Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Jansson, Dag (2022). «Jeg kan ikke bli musikklærer hvis jeg ikke kan synge foran klassen min»: Korsang i lærerutdanningen og utvikling av individuell sangtrygghet. Vesterlid Strøm, Regine; Eiksund, Øyvind Johan; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (Ed.). Samsang gjennom livsløpet. p. 199-228. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Jansson, Dag ; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (2022). Turning points in shaping choral conducting practice: six tales of Norwegian conductors’ professional development. 13 p. Music Education Research. Vol. 24.

Elstad, Beate ; Jansson, Dag ; Døving, Erik (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Cultural Workers: Fight, Flight or Freeze in Lockdown?. Salvador, Elisa; Navarrete, Trilce; Srakar, Andrej (Ed.). Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic. p. 83-97. Routledge.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete