Norwegian version
Dag Jansson

Dag Jansson

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Organisational psychology   Sociology   Music education   Public and private administration   Cultural studies   Social and occupational psychology   Other subjects within music   Social sciences   Other subjects within education   Humanities

Scientific publications

Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik ; Jansson, Dag (2024). Personal strength and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of cultural workers in the music sector. Psychology of Music.

Jansson, Dag ; Døving, Erik ; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (2024). Serious musicking: choral pedagogy in ‘low-threshold’ choirs. Music Education Research. Vol. 26.

Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik ; Jansson, Dag (2023). Å falle mellom alle stoler under koronapandemien. Kulturarbeidere med multiple tilknytningsformer til arbeidslivet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 26.

Jansson, Dag (2023). The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership. Organizational Aesthetics. Vol. 12.

Jansson, Dag (2023). The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership. Organizational Aesthetics. Vol. 12.

Jansson, Dag ; Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik (2022). Inescapably Les Misérables? Understanding the Sensemaking of the Artistic Precariat. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society. Vol. 53.

Elstad, Beate ; Døving, Erik ; Jansson, Dag (2022). Precariousness during an ongoing crisis. Cultural workers and the corona pandemic. 17 p. Industrial relations journal. Vol. 53.

Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Jansson, Dag (2022). «Jeg kan ikke bli musikklærer hvis jeg ikke kan synge foran klassen min»: Korsang i lærerutdanningen og utvikling av individuell sangtrygghet. Vesterlid Strøm, Regine; Eiksund, Øyvind Johan; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (Ed.). Samsang gjennom livsløpet. p. 199-228. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Jansson, Dag ; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (2022). Turning points in shaping choral conducting practice: six tales of Norwegian conductors’ professional development. 13 p. Music Education Research. Vol. 24.

Elstad, Beate ; Jansson, Dag ; Døving, Erik (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Cultural Workers: Fight, Flight or Freeze in Lockdown?. Salvador, Elisa; Navarrete, Trilce; Srakar, Andrej (Ed.). Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic. p. 83-97. Routledge.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete