Norwegian version
Finn Aakre Haugen

Finn Aakre Haugen


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Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Chemical process engineering   Other electrotechnical sciences

Scientific publications

Wang, Yongjie; Haugen, Finn Aakre (2023). Subspace System Identification of a Pilot Tunnel System of a Combined Sewage System. 13 p. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. Vol. 44.

Wang, Yongjie; Haugen, Finn Aakre (2021). Averaging level control for urban drainage system. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.

Muralidharan Nair, Abhilash; Haugen, Finn ; Ratnaweera, Harsha (2020). Economic Model Predictive Control for optimal struvite recovery. Journal of Environmental Management (JEM). Vol. 280.

Attar, Shadi ; Haugen, Finn Aakre (2020). Model-based optimal recovery of methane production in an anaerobic digestion reactor. 7 p. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. Vol. 41.

Muralidharan Nair, Abhilash; Gonzalez Silva, Blanca Magdalena; Haugen, Finn ; Ratnaweera, Harsha; Østerhus, Stein Wold (2020). Real-time monitoring of enhanced biological phosphorus removal in a multistage EBPR-MBBR using a soft-sensor for phosphates. Journal of Water Process Engineering. Vol. 37.

Attar, Shadi; Haugen, Finn (2019). Dynamic model adaptation to an anaerobic digestion reactor of a water resource recovery facility. MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. Vol. 40.

Muralidharan Nair, Abhilash; Fanta, Abaynesh Belay; Haugen, Finn ; Ratnaweera, Harsha (2019). Implementing an extended kalman filter for estimating nutrient composition in a sequential batch MBBR pilot plant. Water Science and Technology. Vol. 80.

Dewasme, L; Sbarciog, M; Rocha-Còzatl, E; Haugen, Finn ; Wouwer, A. Vande (2019). State and unknown input estimation of an anaerobic digestion reactor withexperimental validation. Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 85.

Marcano, Laura; Haugen, Finn ; Sannerud, Arne Ronny ; Komulainen, Tiina M. (2019). Review of simulator training practices for industrial operators: How can individual simulator training be enabled?. Safety Science. Vol. 115.

Haugen, Finn (2018). Simulations and real applications of PI and MPC averaging level control in a water resource recovery facility. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete