Norwegian version
Fredrik Wulfsberg

Fredrik Wulfsberg


For ongoing research and CV visit my personal webpage

Fields of study

Subject areas

Labour markets and wage formation   Macroeconomics   Price setting

Scientific publications

Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2022). Handlingsregelen sikrer ikke realverdien av oljefondet og gir uforutsigbar finanspolitikk. Samfunnsøkonomen.

Holden, Steinar; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2021). Covid-19 og makroøkonomisk politikk. Samfunnsøkonomen. Vol. 35.

Moen, Espen Rasmus; Wulfsberg, Fredrik ; Aas, Øyvind Nilsen (2019). Price Dispersion and the Role of Stores. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2018). Har vi klart å spare oljeinntektene?. Samfunnsøkonomen. Vol. 32.

Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2016). Inflation and Price Adjustments: Micro Evidence from Norwegian Consumer Prices 1975-2004. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Vol. 8.

Holden, Steinar; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2014). Wage Rigidity, Inflation, and Institutions. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 116.

Martinsen, Kjetil; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2014). Forecasting macroeconomic variables using disaggregate survey data. 13 p. International Journal of Forecasting. Vol. 30.

Holden, Steinar; Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2009). How strong is the macroeconomic case for downward real wage rigidity?. Journal of Monetary Economics. Vol. 56.

Holden, Steinar; Wulfsberg, F (2008). Downward nominal wage rigidity in the OECD. 15 p. Advances in Macroeconomics. Vol. 8.

Wulfsberg, Fredrik (1997). An Application of Wage Bargaining Models to Norwegian Panel Data. Oxford Economic Papers. Vol. 49.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete