Norwegian version
Grethe Midtlyng

Grethe Midtlyng

Scientific publications

Midtlyng, Grethe (2024). Sensing that Something is Wrong: On the Role of Senses in Sensemaking in Frontline Safety Work. 28 p. Journal of Organizational Sociology (JOS).

Midtlyng, Grethe ; Leseth, Anne Birgitte (2024). «Men dette vet jo du»: Å forske i egen profesjon. Leseth, Anne Birgitte; Mangset, Marte; Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir; Ihlebæk, Hanna Marie (Ed.). Tett på profesjon, arbeid og politikk: Kvalitative metodeutfordringer og verktøy for å løse dem. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Midtlyng, Grethe (2022). Safety rules in a Norwegian high-security prison: The impact of social interaction between prisoners and officers. 10 p. Safety Science. Vol. 149.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete