Norwegian version
Guri Rosén

Guri Rosén

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Rosen, Guri (2023). Trade Policy. Fauré, Samuel; Lequesne, Christian (Ed.). Trade policy . p. 297-308. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Polk, Jonathan; Rosén, Guri (2023). Trade and the transnational cleavage in European party politics. Journal of European Public Policy.

Rosén, Guri (2022). Differentiation in the European Parliament: United about diversity?. Leruth, Benjamin; Gänzle, Stefan; Trondal, Jarle (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union. p. 184-199. Routledge.

Rosén, Guri ; Meissner, Katharina L. (2021). Who Teams up with the European Parliament? Examining Multilevel Party Cooperation in the European Union. 21 p. Government and Opposition.

Rosén, Guri ; Fossum, John Erik (2021). Referendums: Norway 1972 and 1994. Smith, Julie (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of European Referendums. p. 449-468. Palgrave Macmillan.

Olsen, Espen D. H. ; Rosén, Guri (2021). The EU’s Response to the Financial Crisis’. Riddervold, Marianne; Trondal, Jarle; Newsome, Akasemi (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of EU Crises. p. 381-400. Palgrave Macmillan.

Rosén, Guri ; Stie, Anne Elisabeth (2020). Balancing seclusion and inclusion: EU trilogues and democratic accountability. Journal of European Public Policy.

Rosén, Guri ; Neuhold, Christine (2019). Introduction to “Out of the Shadows, Into the Limelight: Parliaments and Politicisation”. Politics and Governance. Vol. 7.

Fossum, John Erik; Rosén, Guri (2019). Off or on field? The multilevel parliamentary field of EU external relations. Raube, Kolja; Müftüler-Bac, Meltem; Wouters, Jan (Ed.). Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Rosén, Guri ; Tørnblad, Silje Hexeberg (2019). How does expert knowledge travel between EU institutions? The case of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Krick, Eva; Holst, Cathrine (Ed.). Experts and Democratic Legitimacy. Tracing the Social Ties of Expert Bodies in Europe. Routledge.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete