Norwegian version
Hege Skahjem

Hege Skahjem

Administrative field of work

Databases   Library guidance

Publications and research


Hoemsnes, Tone; Knudsen, Tone Berg ; Knutsen, Bettina Grødem ; Skahjem, Hege ; Zahedifar, Effat (2019). Working with events in the Academic Library: How can our work with library events be an inspiration to others?. IFLA WLIC 2019: World Library and Information Congress; 85th IFLA General Conference and Assembly. IFLA.

Knudsen, Tone Berg ; Skahjem, Hege (2018). How can the University Library at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University become an important arena for culture, art and debate?. Purdue e-Pubs.

Hoemsnes, Tone; Knudsen, Tone Berg ; Skahjem, Hege (2018). How can the University Library at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University become an important arena for culture, art and debate?. The 39th Annual IATUL conference. The International Association of University Libraries IATUL.

Knudsen, Tone Berg ; Nilsen, Ingunn ; Skahjem, Hege (2017). Full pakke - et kurs i søking og skriving for bachelorstudenter. Akademisk dannelse og førsteårsstudenten i høyere utdanning. Høgskolen i Østfold.

Knudsen, Tone Berg ; Nilsen, Ingunn ; Skahjem, Hege (2017). Full pakke! Et kurs om søking og skriving for bachelorstudenter. VIRAK - Konferansen for universitets- og høgskolebibliotek. BI, HiOA, UiO.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete