Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
The pharmacy as a health care service – best practice for "Over the counter (OTC) counselling"
To ensure correct use of medication, information and patient-centered communication in the use of over-the-counter drugs is essential.
Publications and research
Gombos, Helene Marie Haldorsen ; Krogstad, Tonje (2023). Helsekompetanse og egenomsorg - bruk farmasøytene!.
Gombos, Helene Marie Haldorsen ; Svensberg, Karin; Sletvold, Hege; Krogstad, Tonje (2023). En dag på apoteket - hvor kunden vet best?. Farmasidagene. Norsk Farmasøytisk Selskap.
Gombos, Helene Marie Haldorsen ; Svensberg, Karin; Sletvold, Hege; Krogstad, Tonje (2023). Tailoring Over-The-Counter Advice to the Customers, or Saying the Same Again and Again?. Nordic Social Pharmacy Conference . Universitetet i Tromsø.
Gombos, Helene Marie Haldorsen ; Krogstad, Tonje (2022). Apotek, evidens - og tillit.
Gombos, Helene Marie Haldorsen ; Krogstad, Tonje (2022). Fastleger kan stole på oss.
Gombos, Helene Marie Haldorsen ; Svensberg, Karin; Sletvold, Hege; Krogstad, Tonje (2022). The pharmacy as a health care service – best practice for the OTC counselling. En observasjonsstudie i apotek. Farmasidagene. Norsk Farmasøytisk Selskap.