Norwegian version
Jannicke Stav

Jannicke Stav


Jannicke Stav is a research fellow on the project «Professional exercise of discretion and individual judgment in Family Court» at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The project will look at expert reports and verdicts, and the working title for the research Stav will carry out in the period 2024-2027 is «Family Court as an arena for the protection of children against violence and the consequences of violence - Professional judgment related to domestic violence and safety in parental disputes where there is a police report of family violence». The purpose of the study is to answer the following main question: «How does police reported violence matter to court evaluators and judges in their exercise of discretion during the legal process?». Project leader and supervisor is Kari Sjøhelle Jevne at OsloMet, and co-supervisor is Kristin Skørten (formerly NKVTS and UiO).

Stav is a specialist in clinical community psychology, and graduated from the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU) in 2007. After completing her studies, she worked as a community psychologist, in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry unit, and 12 years for the NGO Alternative to Violence. In ATV, Stav has been a therapist, office manager and project manager for two violence prevention projects, «Dialogue groups on violence - Violence prevention intervention in Norwegian Asylum Housings» and «Tell it like it is! Violence prevention in schools». Stav is particularly concerned with how welfare services and the legal framework are of great importance for children exposed to violence.

Fields of study

Subject areas

Criminal Law   Risk assessment   Law and human rights   Domestic violence   Child law   Family violence   Custodial conflicts   Familievold

Research reports

Stang, Elisabeth Gording ; Stav, Jannicke ; Bredal, Anja (2024). Høringsuttalelse til Barne- og familiedepartementets forslag til lovendringer - "Likestilt foreldreskap". 15 p. Barne- og familiedepartementets nettsider.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete