Norwegian version
Kjersti Blehr Lånkan

Kjersti Blehr Lånkan

Scientific publications

Blehr Lånkan, Kjersti (2024). Stepping forth: Representation of people with mental health issues in Norwegian newspapers 1950-2020. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.

Blehr Lånkan, Kjersti (2024). "i saw you on TV-here's my problem": Exploring participant experiences with second stories following mental health disclosures on Norwegian television. 18 p. Nordicom Review. Vol. 45.

Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Blehr Lånkan, Kjersti (2022). ‘Someone should have looked after us’: the boundary work of mental health disclosure on TV. Media, Culture and Society. Vol. 44.

Lånkan, Kjersti ; Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti (2022). TV Inside the Psychiatric Hospital: Patient Experiences. 17 p. International Journal of Communication. Vol. 16.

Eide, Elisabeth ; Lånkan, Kjersti (2016). Autonomous Journalists and Anonymous Politicians? Norwegian Media Coverage of then NSA and the "Snowden Affair". 21 p. Norsk medietidsskrift (NMT). Vol. 23.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete