Norwegian version
Kristine Von Simson

Kristine Von Simson

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social sciences

Subject areas

Labour market   Education

Scientific publications

Hall, Caroline; Hardoy, Ines; von Simson, Kristine (2024). Policies for young adults with reduced work capacity. Labour market impact in Sweden and Norway. Journal of Population Economics. Vol. 37.

Hardoy, Ines; von Simson, Kristine (2023). Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness. Journal of Education and Work. Vol. 36.

von Simson, Kristine ; Brekke, Idunn ; Hardoy, Ines (2021). The Impact of Mental Health Problems in Adolescence on Educational Attainment. 15 p. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

von Simson, Kristine ; Umblijs, Janis (2020). Housing conditions and children's school results: evidence from Norwegian register data. 26 p. International journal of housing policy.

von Simson, Kristine ; Hardoy, Ines (2020). Tackling disabilities in young age - Policies that work. 27 p. IZA Journal of Labor Policy. Vol. 10.

von Simson, Kristine ; Umblijs, Janis (2019). Vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet – dynamikk og tilstandsavhengighet. Tidsskrift for boligforskning. Vol. 2.

Barth, Erling; Keute, Anna Lene; Schøne, Pål; von Simson, Kristine ; Steffensen, Kjartan (2019). NEET Status and Early versus Later Skills among Young Adults: Evidence from linked register-PIAAC data. 14 p. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Schøne, Pål; von Simson, Kristine ; Strøm, Marte (2019). Peer gender and educational Choices. Empirical Economics.

Hardoy, Ines; Røed, Knut; von Simson, Kristine ; Zhang, Tao (2018). Initiatives to Combat the Labour Market Exclusion of Youth in Northern Europe: A Meta-analysis. Malo, Miguel Angel; Moreno Minguez, Almudena (Ed.). European Youth Labour Markets. Problems and Policies. p. 235-251. Springer Nature.

Hardoy, Ines; Røed, Knut; von Simson, Kristine ; Zhang, Tao (2017). Effekter av arbeidsmarkedspolitikk rettet mot ungdom i Nord-Europa – en meta-analyse. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. Vol. 34.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete