Norwegian version
Idunn Brekke

Idunn Brekke


Idunn Brekke has a master in Sociology (2001) and a PhD in Sociology from Department of Sociology and Human Geography (UIO). Her main research interests are sickness absence, social inequality in health, labour market, disability, minorities, youth and education. She teach in quantitative methods.

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Alecu, Andreea Ioana ; Brekke, Idunn ; Holmstrøm, Henrik; Syse, Astri (2024). Uptake of cash benefits among children with a disability in Norway: The role of parental socioeconomic characteristics and immigrant background. 12 p. International Journal of Social Welfare. Vol. 34.

Brekke, Idunn ; Alecu, Andreea I. ; Ohrazda, Celestia; Lee, Jiwon (2024). Implications of Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder for Maternal Employment: United States vs. Norway. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Vol. 28.

Wondemu, Michael Yisfashewa ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Joranger, Pål ; Brekke, Idunn (2024). Sickness absence among mothers caring for a child with disability: Examining the impact of mechanical and psychosocial occupational exposures. 9 p. SSM - Population Health. Vol. 25.

Skjønsberg, Eia Elena ; Brekke, Idunn ; Christie, Helen Johnsen; Johnsen, Astri; Skar, Ane-Marthe Solheim (2024). International Child Development Programme (ICDP). Lorås, Lennart; Kvello, Øyvind (Ed.). Håndbok i foreldreveiledning. Fagbokforlaget.

Grøtvedt, Halldis Niesser; Varvin, Sverre ; Vladisavljević, Ivana; Trivuncic, Bojana; Brekke, Idunn (2024). A cross- sectional study of refugees in Norway and Serbia: Levels of mental distress and social-demographic risk factors. Journal of Migration and Health. Vol. 10.

Brekke, Idunn ; Alecu, Andreea Ioana (2023). The health of mothers caring for a child with a disability: a longitudinal study. 9 p. BMC Women's Health. Vol. 23.

Brekke, Idunn ; Alecu, Andreea Ioana ; Ugreninov, Elisabeth ; Suren, Pål; Evensen, Miriam (2023). Educational achievement among children with a disability: do parental resources compensate for disadvantage?. 9 p. SSM - Population Health. Vol. 23.

Rasalingam, Anurajee ; Brekke, Idunn ; Stenberg, Una; Haaland-Øverby, Mette ; Helseth, Sølvi (2023). ‘Struggling to participate in everyday life’: emerging adults’ experiences of living with long-term health challenges. BMC Public Health. Vol. 23.

Wondemu, Michael Yisfashewa ; Joranger, Pål ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Brekke, Idunn (2022). Impact of child disability on parental employment and labour income: a quasi-experimental study of parents of children with disabilities in Norway. 11 p. BMC Public Health. Vol. 22.

Brekke, Idunn ; Smith, Otto Robert Frans; Skjønsberg, Eia Elena ; Holt, Tonje; Helland, Maren Sand; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Røysamb, Espen; Røsand, Gun-Mette Brandsnes; Torgersen, Leila; Skar, Ane-Marthe Solheim; Aase, Heidi (2022). Effectiveness of the International Child Development Programme: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Child & Family Social Work.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete