Vegar Bjørnshagen is a researcher at the Department of Health and Welfare Studies at Norwegian Social Research (NOVA). He has a PhD (2022) and a master's degree (2015) in sociology from the University of Oslo.
Fields of study
Subject areas
Social inequalities Disability Discrimination
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Consequences of the Pandemic for Living Conditions and Equality
In this project we will investigate the consequences of the pandemic for living conditions for children and young people, equality in families and for individuals, including children and adults with disabilities.
European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations (Paths2Include)
PATHS2INCLUDE will expand our understanding of the multidimensional aspects of labour market discrimination, the impact of different policy frameworks, and the gaps and possible need for change on various levels in order to detect mechanisms and processes that shape barriers or facilitate inclusive labour markets in Europe.
Mental health and life satisfaction among youth with disabilities and experiences of services in the post-pandemic period (D-youth)
This project will provide new knowledge on mental health, life satisfaction, and use of services among youth with disabilities in the Nordic countries during the post-pandemic period.
Promising Practices: Holistic Work Inclusion of Young Adults
The project will map how young adults are followed up in NAV with the aim of developing the work inclusion practice of this group.
Completed research projects
HIRE? A Mixed-method Examination of Disability and Employers Inclusive Working Life Practices
Employers' understandings of disability as well as their broader knowledge and skills are likely to influence their risk assessments and hiring practices. HIRE? aims to fill this knowledge gap.
Living conditions among children and youth with ADHD
The project will map living conditions and quality of life among children and youth with ADHD from their parents’ perspective.
Living Conditions for Adults with ADHD
The project will map living conditions and quality of life among adults with ADHD.
Socio-spatial Inequality among Families with Children with Disabilities who are Entitled to Cash Benefits and Welfare Services (UPTAKE)
The research project will provide insight into the uptake and delivery of benefits and services among parents of children with disabilities.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
; Rooth, Dan-Olof;
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
Disability, gender and hiring discrimination - a field experiment.
European Societies.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
Do Large Employers Discriminate Less? An Exploration of Company Size Variation in Disability Discrimination Based on Data from two Field Experiments.
Work and occupations.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
Østerud, Kaja Larsen
Diskriminering av funksjonshemmede i arbeidslivet – funn fra et felteksperiment og oppfølgingsintervjuer.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Vol. 3.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
Disability Disadvantage: Experimental Evidence of Hiring Discrimination against Wheelchair Users.
15 p.
European Sociological Review.
Vol. 37.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
The mark of mental health problems. A field experiment on hiring discrimination before and during COVID-19.
Social Science and Medicine.
Vol. 283.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
; Moseng, Bera Ulstein;
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
Who Do You Reach? A Norwegian Pilot Project on HIV Self-Testing that Targeted Men Who Have Sex with Men.
11 p.
Aids and Behavior.
Vol. 24.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
Labour market inclusion of young people with mental health problems in Norway.
Alter - European Journal of Disability Research.
Bjørnshagen, Vegar
; Moseng, Bera Ulstein;
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
Who Do You Reach? A Norwegian Pilot Project on HIV Self-Testing that Targeted Men Who Have Sex with Men.
Aids and Behavior.
Bera Ulstein, Moseng; Bjørnshagen, Vegar (2017). Are there any differences between different testing sites? A cross-sectional study of a Norwegian low-threshold HIV testing service for men who have sex with men. BMJ Open.