Norwegian version
Mette Løvgren

Mette Løvgren


Mette Løvgren works as a researcher in the Division for Youth Research. She has a PhD in Professional Studies from the Centre for the Study of Profession at Oslo and Akershus University College. She has a master in sociology from the University of Oslo. She is involved in survey-research into the well-being of children; Ungdata junior and Children's Worlds. She also works with projects about violence and sexual abuse through NOVA's Domestic violence research program. Løvgren is member of the editorial board of Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Sociology   Education

Subject areas

Child care   Gender and Workin life   Domestic violence   Child surveys

Research groups

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Løvgren, Mette ; Jacobsen, Sigurd Eid (2023). Motivation, development and use of Ungdata Junior: An annual general survey among children in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

Løvgren, Mette ; Orupabo, Julia (2022). Gender Essentialism at Work? The Case of Norwegian Childcare Workers. 26 p. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society. Vol. 30.

Stefansen, Kari ; Løvgren, Mette ; Frøyland, Lars Roar (2019). Making the case for ‘good enough’ rape-prevalence estimates Insights from a school-based survey experiment among Norwegian youths. Heinskou, Marie Bruvik; Stefansen, Kari; Skilbrei, May-Len (Ed.). Rape in the Nordic Countries: Continuity and Change. Routledge.

Storø, Jan ; Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth ; Løvgren, Mette (2017). Hva muliggjør godt institusjonsarbeid?. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. Vol. 94.

Løvgren, Mette (2017). Taking the initiative: determinants of parental self-referral to the Norwegian Child Welfare Services<sup>*</sup>. 10 p. Nordic Social Work Research. Vol. 7.

Løvgren, Mette ; Stefansen, Kari ; Smette, Ingrid ; Mossige, Svein (2017). Barn og unges utsatthet for fysisk vold fra foreldre. Endringer i mild og grov vold fra 2007 til 2015. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. Vol. 94.

Løvgren, Mette (2016). Emotional exhaustion in day-care workers. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. Vol. 24.

Løvgren, Mette ; Gulbrandsen, Lars (2012). How early and how long?. Nordisk barnehageforskning (NBF). Vol. 5.

Løvgren, Mette (2012). I barnehagen er alle like? Om arbeidsdeling blant ansatte i norske barnehager. Aamotsbakken, Bente (Ed.). Ledelse og profesjonsutøvelse i barnehage og skole. p. 37-49. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete