Kari Stefansen works as a researcher in the Division for Youth Research. She has a PhD in sociology from the University of Oslo (2011). The thesis explored parenthood as a classed and classing phenomenon. She is currently involved in new projects about parenting, including the KnowMo project, which is based on qualitative interviews with parents of teenagers. In addition to research on parenthood Kari Stefansen is involved in projects on violence and sexual abuse through NOVA's Domestic violence research program.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Sociology Criminology
Subject areas
Youth Parenthood Rape Sexual violence Domestic violence Children's house
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
From Boys to Men: Diverging Developments of Masculinity with Varying Consequences? (FRAGMEN)
What are the characteristics of masculinity and masculine practices in contemporary Norway?
Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database
Inequality in youth is a qualitative, longitudinal research database on youths in Norway, intended to be a parallel to the quantitative Ungdata surveys.
Sexual Culture in Youth
The project will investigate how young people negotiate, experience and handle issues related to sexuality, sexual health and risk - in light of both contemporary youth culture, and other social and societal conditions.
The Domestic Violence Research Programme
The programme studies time trends in the prevalence of violence and assault, violence as phenomenon, and how violence is approached by the welfare- and justice systems.
Tomorrow’s Inequalities in the Making: Processes of Life Chance Differentiation within and outside of Education (LIFECHANCES)
In LIFECHANCES we investigate how differences between young people may become inequalities in life chances over time.
UngVold 2023 – Trends in Exposure to Violence
In 2023, NOVA collected new data for the Youth Violence survey from more than 16,000 Norwegian youth, mapping Norwegian children and adolescents’ experience of violence and abuse during their upbringing.
Youth Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Digital Era (DIGISEX)
The project will shed light on how digital media has created both new opportunities and new forms of risk concerning youth sexuality.
Completed research projects
Digital Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents
The project will, in a comprehensive literature review, map existing knowledge about digital sexual violence against children and adolescents.
Knowledge on Technology-facilitated Sexual Abuse against Children and Adolescents – Offenders, the Offended, and Arenas
The project will generate new knowledge about sexual abuse of children and adolescents, with the main emphasis on technology-facilitated sexual abuse.
Literacies for Health and Life Skills
The “Literacies for Health and Life Skills” (HLS) project aims to develop and implement a new didactic approach that will enable pre-service teachers to facilitate the development of young people´s health and life skills.
Parenting and Youth Sports: Inequality in Young People’s Leisure Time Activities?
The focus of this project is how parents influence young people's leisure activities.
Participation in Sports among Norwegian Youth
The aim of the research project is to gain new knowledge about the social position and status of sport participation among young people in Norway.
Sports Research at the Ungdata Centre
The project aims to update and widen our knowledge about participation in sports and physical activity and experiences with sports among children and young people in Norway.
The Barnahus Model: Developmental Trends and Institutional Tensions
Based on the Norwegian and international barnahus models, this project will explore how the barnahus model has developed and changed over time, as well as the institutional tensions that permeats the barnahus operation.
The Public Sense of Criminal Justice
The project aims to provide new knowledge on different aspects of the public sense of criminal justice in the Norwegian population.
Young people’s Well-being and Civic Participation During the Norwegian Coronavirus Lockdown
This research project investigates how young people experienced the Norwegian coronavirus lockdown.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Johansson, Susanna; Stefansen, Kari ; Bakketeig, Elisiv ; Kaldal, Anna (2024). Justice and Recovery for Victimised Children Institutional Tensions in Nordic and European Barnahus Models. ISBN: 978-3-031-53232-0. 288 p. Palgrave Macmillan.
Stefansen, Kari ; Bakketeig, Elisiv ; Johansson, Susanna (2023). From dissenting to conforming hybridity—Experiences from a justice sector affiliated Barnahus model. St-Amand, Annick; Pearl, Rimer; Nadeau, Danielle; Herbert, James; Walsh, Wendy (Ed.). Contemporary and Innovative Practices in Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Models. Presses de L'Université du Québec.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Stefansen, Kari
Langnes, Tonje Fjogstad
Walseth, Kristin
The formation of classed health lifestyles during youth: A two-generational, longitudinal approach.
Sociology of Health and Illness.
Frøyland, Lars Roar
Stefansen, Kari
Andersen, Patrick Lie
Distinguishing Types of Sexual Assault Among Young People: A Latent Class Analysis Approach.
Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research.
Frøyland, Lars Roar
Pedersen, Willy
Stefansen, Kari
von Soest, Tilmann Martin
Sexual and Physical Victimization and Health Correlates Among Norwegian Adolescents.
Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Vol. 52.
Frøyland, Lars Roar
Stefansen, Kari
Unges utsatthet for digitale seksuelle krenkelser.
Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (NTU).
Stefansen, Kari
Solstad, Gerd Marie
Tokle, Rikke
What Happened to Me? Ambiguity and Surety in Narratives of Intoxicated Sexual Assault.
Strandbu, Åse;
Solstad, Gerd Marie
Stefansen, Kari
Frøyland, Lars Roar
Seksuell trakassering og andre krenkelser i ungdomsidretten: Forekomst og mønstre i utsatthet.
17 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (NTU).
Vol. 4.
Tokle, Rikke
; Buvik, Kristin;
Stefansen, Kari
Solstad, Gerd Marie
Safety strategies, status positioning and gendered double standards: adolescents’ narratives of sexualised risk in alcohol intoxication contexts.
16 p.
Journal of Youth Studies.
Bredal, Anja
Stefansen, Kari
Vold eller foreldrekonflikt?
Voldsutsatte mødres erfaringer med barneverntjenesten etter samlivsbrudd.
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern.
Vol. 99.