Norwegian version
Tonje Gundersen

Tonje Gundersen


Tonje Gundersen is a researcher at NOVA, Section for Research on Childhood, Family and Child Welfare. She holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Oslo (2012). Her dissertation was about the challenges parents of children with rare diagnoses may face and their coping strategies. Her fields of research are disability, child welfare services and family, user experiences and welfare state services. Her research portfolio ranges from evaluations of crisis centres, Barnahus and various government grant schemes to research on young people who have experience from child welfare services and people with disabilities experience of violence. From 2020 to 2024 she has been involved in a research programme on family counselling and led a project about youth with substance abuse challenges in residential care and alternative arrangements for your unable to live in ordinary residential care settings. She has extensive project management experience and was for four years (2013-2017) head of the section for Research on Childhood, Family and Child welfare.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Subject areas

Violence   Child care   Disability   Parenthood   Human service organization

Administrative field of work

Contract work   Personell administration   Project management   Research communication   Research strategy   Research collaboration   Research quality   Competence development

Research projects

Scientific publications

Pålsson, David; Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth ; Gundersen, Tonje ; Kalliomaa-Puha, Laura; Lausten, Mette; Pösö, Tarja (2024). Licence Loss: Revocations of Residential Care Licences in Four Nordic Countries. Child & Family Social Work.

Gundersen, Tonje ; Tveito, Siri Berg (2022). Barnevernets oppfølging av fosterforeldrenes egne barn. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. Vol. 99.

Gundersen, Tonje (2021). Embedded in relations—Interactions as a source of agency and life opportunities for care-experienced young adults. Children & society.

Gundersen, Tonje ; Jessen, Jorunn Theresia (2020). Fosterforeldres egne barn: Hvordan synes de det er å ha fostersøsken?. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. Vol. 97.

Bakketeig, Elisiv ; Boddy, Janet; Gundersen, Tonje ; Fidelma, Hanrahan; Østergaard, Jeanette (2020). Deconstructing doing well; what can we learn from care experienced young people in England, Denmark and Norway?. Children and Youth Services Review. Vol. 118.

Gundersen, Tonje ; Vislie, Camilla Cecilie (2019). Voldsutsatte med funksjonsnedsettelser - individuelle og strukturelle barrierer mot å søke hjelp. Skjørten, Kristin; Bakketeig, Elisiv; Bjørnholt, Margunn; Mossige, Svein (Ed.). Vold i nære relasjoner: Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak. p. 159-177. Universitetsforlaget.

Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg ; Gundersen, Tonje (2018). Care parading as service: Negotiating recognition and equality in user-controlled personal assistance. Gender, Work & Organization.

Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg ; Gundersen, Tonje (2016). Personlig assistanse - omsorg eller service?. Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg; Olsvold, Nina; Thagaard, Tove (Ed.). Omsorgsarbeidets sosiologi. p. 131-160. Fagbokforlaget.

Kynø, Nina Margrethe ; Ravn, Ingrid Helen ; Lindemann, Rolf; Smeby, Nina Aarhus; Torgersen, Anne M; Gundersen, Tonje (2013). Parents of preterm-born children; sources of stress and worry and experiences with an early intervention programme - a qualitative study. BMC Nursing.

Gundersen, Tonje (2012). Human Dignity at Stake - how parents of disabled children experience the welfare system. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Vol. 14.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete