Fields of study
Academic disciplines
International politics Social sciences Women's and gender studies
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Child Welfare Institutions for Young People with Drug Addiction and Separate Institutions for One Single Young Person
The project investigate the child welfare institutions for young people with drug addiction and separate institutions for one single young person.
Enhancing child’s right for the participation in child protection assessment (COMPENCA)
This project focus on the child´s right to participate in child protection assessment and decision-making.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Hansen, Helle Cathrine
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
Logistics of care: Trust-reform and self-managing teams in municipal home care services.
16 p.
Journal of Social Policy.
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (2022). Labour, Work, and Motherhood. Ween, Gro Birgit; Lundblad, Michael (Ed.). Control: Attempting to Tame the World. Pax Forlag.
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
Child Protection Workers Follow-up with Children in Foster Care and Emergency Units/Homes.
Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir; Toros, Karmen (Ed.).
Professional Practice in Child Protection and the Child's Right to Participate.
Sudland, Cecilie
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
«For det er jo alvorlige
– barnevernets møte med fastlåste foreldrekonflikter.
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern.
Vol. 98.
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
Kjærlighet på bestilling - om staten, barnevernsarbeidere og følelser.
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern.
Vol. 98.
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (2021). Skjønnsutøvelse, makt og omsorg. Snertingdal, Mette Irmgard; Nymo, Kirsti (Ed.). Jeg skal bli fengselsbetjent. Fagbokforlaget.
Haugevik, Kristin M.;
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
Reputation crisis management and the state: Theorising containment as diplomatic mode.
22 p.
European Journal of International Relations.
Haugevik, Kristin M.;
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
Staten, barnevernet og utenrikspolitikken. Fra indre anliggende til internasjonal konfliktsone.
Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift.
Vol. 37.
Sudland, Cecilie
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg
Should we take their children? Caseworkers’ negotiations of ‘good enough’ care for children living with high-conflict parents.
13 p.
European Journal of Social Work.
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg ; Snertingdal, Mette Irmgard (2020). Kvinnelige fanger: marginalisering, agentskap og ansvar. Dullum, Jane Vibeke; Andenæs, Kristian; Renland, Astrid (Ed.). En fengslende historie. Festskrift til KROM - Norsk forening for kriminalreform 50 år. p. 179-195. Pax Forlag.