Norwegian version
Berit Bergheim

Berit Bergheim


As a social worker and gestalt therapist, my specialized areas within social work include communication, conflict resolution, and relational work. Additionally, I have many years of experience conducting training and education in guidance in general, with a specific focus on providing guidance to NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) employees. Furthermore, I have worked extensively in understanding and assisting individuals affected by trauma. I teach, conduct workshops, and engage in research within all of the aforementioned topics

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social sciences   Social work

Scientific publications

Bergheim, Berit ; Rugkåsa, Marianne (2022). Sosialt arbeid i Nav. Erfaringer fra intervensjonen helhetlig oppfølging av lavinntektsfamilier (Holf prosjektet). 14 p. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 25.

Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira ; Tøge, Anne Grete ; Rugkåsa, Marianne ; Bergheim, Berit (2021). The child perspective within family intervention projects: a cluster-randomised study with a mixed methods design. 13 p. European Journal of Social Work.

Rugkåsa, Marianne ; Bergheim, Berit (2020). Betydningen av barns deltakelse i bekjempelse av fattigdom. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 23.

Tøge, Anne Grete ; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira ; Liodden, Tone ; Rugkåsa, Marianne ; Gyüre, Krisztina ; Bergheim, Berit (2019). Improving follow-up with low-income families in Norway. What is new and what is already regular social work practice?. European Journal of Social Work. Vol. 15.

Bergheim, Berit (2019). Helhetlig oppfølging av lavinnteksfamilier. Glemmestad, Hanne Solfrid; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie (Ed.). Arbeidsinkludering i sosialt arbeid. p. 205-220. Fagbokforlaget.

Bergheim, Berit (2019). Accessing tacit knowledge: a street-level method. Journal of Social Work Practice.

Bergheim, Berit (2019). Helhetlig oppfølging av lavinnteksfamilier i Nav. Glemmestad, Hanne Solfrid; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie (Ed.). Arbeidsinkludering i sosialt arbeid. p. 205-220. Fagbokforlaget.

Bergheim, Berit ; Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2018). Fra praksis til teori - tilbake til praksis. Fontene forskning.

Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira ; Tøge, Anne Grete ; Gyüre, Krisztina ; Rugkåsa, Marianne ; Fossestøl, Knut ; Bergheim, Berit ; Liodden, Tone (2017). Research protocol: A cluster-randomised study evaluating the effectiveness of a skill-training programme for social work professionals for improving the follow-up of low-income families within Norwegian welfare services. International Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 86.

Bergheim, Berit ; Ylvisaker, Signe (2016). Utvikling av relasjons- og kommunikasjonskompetanse i undervisning av sosionomstudenter. Fontene forskning. Vol. 1.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete