Norwegian version
Anbjørg Ohnstad

Anbjørg Ohnstad

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social sciences   Community medicine, social medicine

Subject areas

Psykisk helse   Behaviour science   LGBTQ   Queer theory

Scientific publications

Bergheim, Berit ; Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2018). Fra praksis til teori - tilbake til praksis. Fontene forskning.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2016). Ambiguity as a Strategy for Negotiating Identity. 12 p. FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and practice. Vol. 3.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg ; Rugkåsa, Marianne ; Ylvisaker, Signe (2014). Ubehaget i sosialt arbeid. ISBN: 978-82-05-46245-8. 265 p. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2010). Signs, interpretation and recognition among women attracted to other women in Norway. 20 p. Nordic Psychology. Vol. 62.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg ; Bjørkman, Mari; Malterud, Kirsti; Flatval, Mona; Thesen, Janecke; Rørtveit, Guri (2009). Epidemiological research on marginalized groups implies major validity challenges;lesbian health as an example. 7 p. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Vol. 62.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2009). If I Am Not Straight or Gay, Who Am I?. 11 p. Clinical social work journal. Vol. 37.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2008). Skeivt foreldreskap - kjærlighetsbarn og vennskapsbarn. Bø, Bente Puntervold; Olsen, Bennedichte C. R. (Ed.). Utfordrende foreldreskap - under ulike livsbetingelser og tradisjoner. p. 73 -89. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Ohnstad, Anbjørg (2005). Speaking vulnerable issues into existence: Their consequences for psychotherapy. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 33.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete