Fields of study
Subject areas
Child care Digitalization Arbeidsliv og Rus Work approach Work inclusion
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Mapping of substance abuse in the Department of children and families in the city of Oslo
The aim of the project is to contribute to developing knowledge about how child welfare institutions detect substance abuse at the earliest possible stage.
Completed research projects
Child Welfare Institutions for Young People with Drug Addiction and Separate Institutions for One Single Young Person
The project investigate the child welfare institutions for young people with drug addiction and separate institutions for one single young person.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sørhaug, Christian;
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
The Need for
Implementing a Digital Welfare
Critique From an Assemblage
Analytical Approach.
Fugletveit, Ragnhild; Sørhaug, Christian (Ed.).
Lost in Digital Translations: Studies of Digital Resistance and Accommodation to the Welfare State in Practice. p. 11-33.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
; Lofthus, Ann-Mari
‘You Become Very Powerless in
This System, the Digital System’ –
Becoming a Digital User in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare
Fugletveit, Ragnhild; Sørhaug, Christian (Ed.).
Lost in Digital Translations: Studies of Digital Resistance and Accommodation to the Welfare State in Practice. p. 159-177.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Fugletveit, Ragnhild ; Sørhaug, Christian (2023). Lost in Digital Translations: Studies of Digital Resistance and Accommodation to the Welfare State in Practice. ISBN: 9788202781033. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. PDF 9788202781033
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
; Lofthus, Ann-Mari
From the desk to the cyborg’s faceless interaction in The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration.
15 p.
Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research.
Vol. 6.
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
«… det vanskeligste er jo å finne noe fornuftig å gjøre». - Om betydningen av arbeid og aktivitet for mennesker med ROP-utfordringer.
Bjørkquist, Catharina; Ramsdal, Helge Normann (Ed.).
Statlig politikk og lokale utfordringer: Organisering av tjenester innen rus og psykisk helse. p. 235-257.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Fugletveit, Ragnhild ; Lofthus, Ann-Mari (2020). Digitalisering av tjenester - sårbare brukeres erfaringer. Bergum, Svein (Ed.). Digital ledelse for synergier mellom brukermøter og digitale kanaler: Sluttrapport fra et NAV FoU-prosjekt 2017-2020. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
Hansen, Gunnar Vold;
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
; Arvesen, Petter
Arbeid som recovery-strategi :.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid.
Vol. 16.
Brottveit, Gudrun; Fugletveit, Ragnhild (2018). "Å møtes som mennesker og medmennesker". Olsen, Bennedichte C. R.; Skotte, Pernille Stornæss; Farstad, Gunhild Regland (Ed.). Sosiologi i sosialfagene. p. 207-219. Universitetsforlaget.
Pettersen, Kaare Torgny;
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
"Should we talk about it?": A study of the experiences business leaders have of employing people with mental health problems.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation.
Vol. 52.
Hansen, Gunnar Vold;
Fugletveit, Ragnhild
; Arvesen, Petter
What Works? Flexibility as a Work - Participation Strategy for People with Addiction and Mental Health Problems.
Nordic Journal of Social Research.
Vol. 6.