Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Child care Familylife, parenting, child-care Institutionaltreatment, child and youth Parenthood Custodial conflicts Child Welfare Research Interprofessional education
Research groups
Research projects
Child Welfare Institutions for Young People with Drug Addiction and Separate Institutions for One Single Young Person
The project investigate the child welfare institutions for young people with drug addiction and separate institutions for one single young person.
The work of child welfare services when there is concern about the child's sexual behaviour
The project aim is to discuss what can be good measures in the child welfare services work with children and young people with problematic or harmful sexual behaviour and their parents.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bergem, Signe;
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
Å løyse angst i samspel. Bruk av familieterapi i behandling av angsttilstandar hos barn og unge.
Fokus på familien.
Eikrem, Trine Charlotte; Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle (2024). Hva kan man lære av foreldre som ikke er i konflikt?. Syrstad, Ellen; Flacke, Astrid Kleppe (Ed.). Konflikt : forståelse og håndtering i møte med familier. Fagbokforlaget.
Eikrem, Trine Charlotte;
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
I do it for the children, and it's not a walk in the park: Parents' stories about how to maintain cooperative co-parenting during the divorce process.
9 p.
Child & Family Social Work.
Vol. 27.
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
Ulleberg, Inger
Øien, Ingvil
Why and how? Case-based teaching in interprofessional and interdisciplinary education.
17 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis.
Vol. 15.
Olkowska, Alicja
Pacuka, Amela
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
«Å gå i spagaten». Familieveilederes erfaringer og utfordringer i arbeid med foreldrekonflikter i barnevernstjenesten.
Fokus på familien.
Vol. 48.
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
Negotiating client positions: parents with custodial disagreements talking about their experiences with child welfare workers.
Nordic Social Work Research.
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
; Andenæs, Agnes
Parents in high-conflict custodial cases: negotiating shared care across households.
Child & Family Social Work.
Vol. 22.
Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle
Ulvik, Oddbjørg Skjær
Grensearbeid: Barnevernets møte med foreldrekonfliktsaker.
Fontene forskning.