Norwegian version
Dagmara Bossy

Dagmara Bossy


Dagmara Bossy is a researcher II at NOVA, at the department for research on Childhood, Family and Child welfare. Dagmara has a Master of Philosophy in Sociology at the University of Oslo, where she wrote the Master thesis on unwanted sexual experiences in youth relationships. Dagmara has a PhD from The Faculty of Medicine at the Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo. Her doctoral work concerned group-based self-management support for people with long-term conditions. As a doctoral student Dagmara was part of a EU-financed collaboration research project investigating the content and meaning of social networks at the micro, meso and macro levels for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (EU WISE). Dagmara has been employed at the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Learning and Mastery in Health (NKLMH) where she among other assignments worked with contract research. Dagmara has primarily worked with qualitative research methods, where she has applied a social construction stance. Her research interest are among others: children at risk, young care-givers, social inequality in health, caring for children with disabilities, institutional logics, health promotion: a critical perspective. Dagmara has also given lectures on health-pedagogy at the Master’s program: Empowerment and Health promotion at Kjeller Campus, Oslo Metropolitan University.

Subject Areas: Disability, Long-term conditions, Self-management, Children at risk, Institutional Logics, Social Construction

Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Bossy, Dagmara ; Bergflødt, Monika Marie (2023). Menn på familievernkontoret. Alliansearbeid mellom terapeuter og klienter. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning.

Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Bossy, Dagmara ; Hervie, Vyda Mamley (2023). How Did Children With Disabilities Experience Education and Social Welfare During Covid-19?. 12 p. Social Inclusion. Vol. 11.

Stenberg, Una; Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Fredriksen, Kari; Bossy, Dagmara ; Bøckmann, Kari; Haugstvedt, Karen Therese Sulheim; Vågan, Andre (2022). Helsekompetanse og styrket mestring hos barn og unge som pårørende. Fontene forskning. Vol. 15.

Bossy, Dagmara ; Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud ; Rogers, Anne; Foss, Christina (2018). Moving between ideologies in self‐management support—A qualitative study. Health Expectations.

Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud ; Bossy, Dagmara ; Foss, Christina (2017). Passer gruppebaserte lærings- og mestringstilbud for alle med diabetes 2? : gruppebaserte lærings- og mestringstilbud gjør det lettere å mestre sykdommen. Likevel takker halvparten nei til slike tilbud. Sykepleien Forskning.

Bossy, Dagmara ; Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud ; Rogers, Anne; Foss, Christina (2017). Group affiliation in self-management: support or threat to identity?. Health Expectations. Vol. 20.

Bossy, Dagmara ; Knutsen, Ingrid Annette Ruud ; Rogers, Anne; Foss, Christina (2015). Institutional logic in self-management support: coexistence and diversity. Health and Social Care in the Community.

Stefansen, Kari ; Smette, Ingrid ; Bossy, Dagmara (2014). Angrep mot kjønnsfriheten: Unge jenters erfaringer med uønsket beføling. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. Vol. 38.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete