Norwegian version
Monika Marie Bergflødt

Monika Marie Bergflødt


Monika Marie Bergflødt is a PhD Candidate in Social Sciences at OsloMet, affiliated with the Department for Childhood, Family and Child Welfare (NOVA). She holds a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Health Research from the University of Oslo (2021). In her master’s thesis, she examined embodied experiences and health among multicultural girls as part of the project Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database.


Bergflødt’s research interests encompass social inequality, childhood, and the sense of belonging within multicultural and digital societies. She is particularly interested in understanding gender dynamics in young people’s everyday lives. Her PhD project centers on how boys and girls in stigmatized neighborhoods connect with people and places while navigating their identities in various social settings – both offline and online. 

Fields of study

Subject areas

Gender   Ethnicity   Qualitative methods   Digital media   Intersectionality   Familylife   Social inequalities and health   Multicultural upgrowing   Belonging and place   Phenomenology of the body

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Bossy, Dagmara ; Bergflødt, Monika Marie (2023). Menn på familievernkontoret. Alliansearbeid mellom terapeuter og klienter. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete