Norwegian version
Monica Five Aarset

Monica Five Aarset


Monica Five Aarset works as a research in the Division for at Childhood, Family and Child Welfare. She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from University of Oslo (2015). Her expertise relates in particular to minority families and minority youth. Her research interests include questions of gender, generation, ethnicity, migration and inclusion/exclusion. Her PhD thesis concerns family life and belonging among descendants from immigrants from Pakistan and India in Norway.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social anthropology

Subject areas

Gender   Migration   Religion   Family health   Integration   Generations

Research projects

Scientific publications

Rosten, Monika ; Aarset, Monica Five (2024). «You represent, man!» Minority-Norwegian strategies for stigma management. 15 p. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 35.

Smette, Ingrid ; Aarset, Monica Five (2023). Parenting in the second generation. The changing family figurations of descendants of Pakistani, Indian and Sri Lankan Tamil immigrants in Norway. 24 p. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Aarset, Monica Five ; Smette, Ingrid ; Rosten, Monika (2021). Thinking through generation: On parenting and belonging among adult children of immigrants in Norway. Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir; Takle, Marianne; Britt, Slagsvold (Ed.). Generational Tensions and Solidarity Within Advanced Welfare States. p. 79-95. Routledge.

Aarset, Monica Five (2020). "Å holde hverdagslivet sammen». Hjem, familie og tilhørighet blant etterkommere av innvandrere fra India og Pakistan. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 31.

Aarset, Monica Five (2020). 'Holding everyday life together'. Home, family and belonging among descendants of immigrants from India and Pakistan. 14 p. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 31.

Aarset, Monica Five ; Lidén, Hilde (2017). Historiens betydning for rom og romanifolks/tateres situasjon i dag. Brandal, Nik.; Døving, Cora Alexa; Plesner, Ingvill Thorson (Ed.). Nasjonale minoriteter og urfolk i norsk politikk fra 1900 til 2016. p. 201-218. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Aarset, Monica Five (2017). Conditional belonging: Middle-class ethnic minorities in Norway. Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad; Bringslid, Mary Bente; Vike, Halvard (Ed.). Egalitarianism in Scandinavia. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. p. 291-313. Palgrave Macmillan.

Aarset, Monica Five (2016). Transnational practices and local lives. Quran courses via Skype in Norwegian-Pakistani families. 16 p. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Vol. 23.

Aarset, Monica Five (2010). Minoritetsrådgivere ved videregående skoler - et møte mellom ulike sektorområder. Bedre Skole.

Lidén, Hilde; Aarset, Monica Five (2010). Barns uttalerett på utlendingsfeltet. Kjørholt, Anne Trine (Ed.). Barn som samfunnsborgere - til barnets beste?. p. 192-209. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete