Norwegian version
Halvard Naterstad Dyb

Halvard Naterstad Dyb


I work with a lot of different tasks within the field of research communication such as: media advisor, media contact, web-publishing, conferences & seminars.

Administrative field of work

Research communication   Media contact   Strategic communication

Research reports

Dyb, Halvard ; Thorsen , Kirsten (1993). "Er det noen som bryr seg?" Uformell omsorg for eldre og offentlig støtte til omsorgsgiverne. 312 p. Norsk gerontologisk institutt.

Dyb, Halvard ; Beverfelt, Eva; Guntvedt, O. H.; Kirschner, Gerd (1991). Alderspensjonist i frivillig tjeneste. 74 p. Norsk gerontologisk institutt (NGI).

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete