Norwegian version
Frøydis Enstad

Frøydis Enstad


Frøydis Enstad is a Rresearcher at Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University, Section for Youth Research. Enstad is currently the research project manager for Ungdata junior and Ungdata pluss. Ungdata junior is a survey aimed at students at intermediate level. The purpose is to survey what they do in their spare time and how they feel in key areas, such as health, friends, school and the relationship with parents. Ungdata pluss is a longitudinal survey following children in Vestfold and Telemark from childhood to adulthood. Key topics in this project is leisure time activities, quality of life and social inequality. Enstad has a doctorate degree in psychology from the University of Oslo (2020), with a thesis on alcohol use in adolescence, and a master's degree in sociology from the University of Oslo (2007).

Enstad's research interests include adolescents’ use of alcohol and drugs, mental and physical health, and the importance of individual, familial, social and cultural factors for children and young people's development and important life outcomes. She has primarily worked with quantitative research methods and has extensive experience with the collection and analysis of quantitative, longitudinal data.

Research groups

Research projects

  • Changing Drug Use and Drug Policy

    The project aims to provide new insights into young people's patterns of alcohol and illegal drug use, the social meaning of drugs, and the consequences of drug-related sanctions.

  • Pain, Youth and Over-the-Counter Analgesics (SUS)

    This project aims to examine pain and the use of Over-The-Counter (OTC) analgesics among adolescents.

  • Ungdata

    Ungdata is a cross-national data collection scheme, designed to conduct youth surveys at the municipal level in Norway. NOVA administers the national database which is used as a basis for many research projects.

  • Ungdata plus. A longitudinal study of boys and girls in Vestfold and Telemark, Norway

    Ungdata plus will collect data on what children and young people in Vestfold and Telemark (Norway) do in their leisure time and examine how this is related to their health and quality of life, and important life outcomes as adults – such as education, work and family life.

Scientific publications

Pedersen, Willy ; Frøyland, Lars Roar ; Enstad, Frøydis ; von Soest, Tilmann Martin (2024). Oslo – den delte byen: ungdom, rus og sosioøkonomisk status.

Enstad, Frøydis ; Pedersen, Willy ; von Soest, Tilmann (2022). Adolescent and young adult drunkenness and future educational attainment and labour market integration: A population-based longitudinal study. 8 p. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Vol. 84.

Enstad, Frøydis ; Evans-Whipp, Tracy; Kjeldsen, Anne; Toumbourou, John W.; von Soest, Tilmann (2019). Predicting hazardous drinking in late adolescence/young adulthood from early and excessive adolescent drinking - a longitudinal cross-national study of Norwegian and Australian adolescents. 12 p. BMC Public Health. Vol. 19.

Kjeldsen, Anne; Enstad, Frøydis (2018). Externalising Behaviour Problems in Childhood and Adolescence. Mathiesen, Kristin Schjelderup; Sanson, Ann; Karevold, Evalill Bølstad (Ed.). Tracking Opportunities and Problems From Infancy to Adulthood. p. 81-92. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Enstad, Frøydis ; Kjeldsen, Anne (2018). Alcohol Use in Adolescence. Mathiesen, Kristin Schjelderup; Sanson, Ann; Karevold, Evalill Bølstad (Ed.). Tracking Opportunities and Problems From Infancy to Adulthood. p. 119-126. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Nilsen, Wendy ; Kjeldsen, Anne; Karevold, Evalill Bølstad; Skipstein, Anni; Helland, Maren Sand; Gustavson, Kristin; Enstad, Frøydis ; Bårdstu, Silje; Røysamb, Espen; von Soest, Tilmann ; Mathiesen, Kristin Schjelderup (2017). Cohort profile: The Tracking Opportunities and Problems Study (TOPP) – A study of Norwegian children and their parents followed from infancy to adulthood. International Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 46.

Enstad, Frøydis ; Pedersen, Willy ; Nilsen, Wendy ; von Soest, Tilmann (2017). Predicting early onset of intoxication versus drinking—A population-based prospective study of Norwegian adolescents. Addictive Behaviors Reports. Vol. 6.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete