Norwegian version
Willy Pedersen

Willy Pedersen

Research groups

Research projects

  • Adolescents in Oslo in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The aim of the study was to map young people’s everyday life and quality of life, and how they experience the COVID-19 pandemic while they were still subject to strict restrictions.

  • Young in Norway

    Young in Norway is Norway's first major longitudinal study of youth. It follows people from adolescence to adulthood. The last data collection was carried out in autumn 2020 and spring 2021.

Scientific publications

Pedersen, Willy ; Frøyland, Lars Roar ; Enstad, Frøydis ; von Soest, Tilmann Martin (2024). Oslo – den delte byen: ungdom, rus og sosioøkonomisk status.

Schwencke, Ellen Oftedal ; Berger, Eirik Jerven; Pedersen, Willy (2024). «Vi er jo ikke stonere»: bruk av cannabis og symbolske grenser blant ungdommer vest i Oslo. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift.

Pedersen, Willy ; Røgeberg, Ole; Holst, Cathrine (2023). Nederlag for rusreformen?. 20 p. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. Vol. 64.

Frøyland, Lars Roar ; Pedersen, Willy ; Stefansen, Kari ; von Soest, Tilmann Martin (2023). Sexual and Physical Victimization and Health Correlates Among Norwegian Adolescents. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Vol. 52.

Pedersen, Willy ; Mastekaasa, Arne ; von Soest, Tilmann (2022). Cannabis and Tobacco Use Among Young People and Labor Market Outcomes in Midlife: A 23-Year Population-Based Longitudinal Study. 8 p. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Vol. 83.

Enstad, Frøydis ; Pedersen, Willy ; von Soest, Tilmann (2022). Adolescent and young adult drunkenness and future educational attainment and labour market integration: A population-based longitudinal study. 8 p. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Vol. 84.

Berger, Eirik Jerven; Pedersen, Willy ; Sandberg, Sveinung (2022). Pathways to Drug Dealing in the Middle and Upper Classes: Early Marginalization, Relative Disadvantage and Countercultural Opposition. 16 p. British Journal of Criminology. Vol. 63.

Pedersen, Willy (2022). Rus, ritualer og ruspolitikk. Frønes, Ivar; Kjølsrød, Lise (Ed.). Det norske samfunn - Bind 3. p. 176-196. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Hart, Rannveig Kaldager; Pedersen, Willy ; Skardhamar, Torbjørn (2022). Blowing in the wind? Testing the effect of weather on the spatial distribution of crime using Generalized Additive Models. 13 p. Crime Science. Vol. 11.

Pedersen, Willy ; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (2021). Distribution of capital and school-related stress at elite high schools. Journal of Youth Studies.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete