Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Sociology Political science and organisational theory
Subject areas
Teenagers' understanding of democracy Integration Youth Social capital NGOs
Administrative field of work
Research infrastructure Research policy Contract work
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database
Inequality in youth is a qualitative, longitudinal research database on youths in Norway, intended to be a parallel to the quantitative Ungdata surveys.
Completed research projects
International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 (ICCS)
The ICCS 2016-study investigates students’ knowledge and understanding of societal values, civic society and political systems.
Leisure activities for Children and Youth in a Gender Equality Perspective
In this project, NOVA will review research from the last ten years that address children and youth’s leisure time in combination with perspectives on gender, gender equality and gender stereotypes.
Participation in Sports among Norwegian Youth
The aim of the research project is to gain new knowledge about the social position and status of sport participation among young people in Norway.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bergh, Johannes; Steen-Johnsen, Kari;
Ødegård, Guro
Det politiske generasjonsgapet.
Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.).
UNGDOMMEN. p. 337-360.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Stefansen, Kari
Ødegård, Guro
Fire typer ungdomsliv: Ressurser, relasjoner og stedets betydning.
Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.).
UNGDOMMEN. p. 63-86.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Pedersen, Willy
Ødegård, Guro
Norsk ungdomsforskning. Røtter og samtidsforståelser.
Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.).
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Ødegård, Guro ; Pedersen, Willy (2021). UNGDOMMEN. ISBN: 978-82-02-73299-8. 300 p. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Ødegård, Guro
; Fladmoe, Audun
Are immigrant youth involved in voluntary organizations more likely than their non-immigrant peers to be engaged in politics? Survey evidence from Norway.
Acta Sociologica.
Vol. 63.
Ødegård, Guro ; Bergh, Johannes; Saglie, Jo (2020). Why Did Young Norwegians Mobilize: External Events or Early Enfranchisement?. Eichhorn, Jan; Bergh, Johannes (Ed.). Lowering the Voting Age to 16: Learning from Real Experiences Worldwide. p. 189-210. Palgrave Macmillan.
Winsvold, Marte
Ødegård, Guro
; Bergh, Johannes
Young councillors — influential politicians or youth
Vol. 53.
Ødegård, Guro
Takle, Marianne
Nye former for tilhørighet.
Migrantorganisasjoner for
barn og ungdom i en norsk
Enjolras, Bernard; Eimhjellen, Ivar (Ed.).
Fra kollektiv til konnektiv handling? Nye former for samfunnsengasjement og kollektiv handling i Norge
. p. 271-298.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Ødegård, Guro ; Svagård, Vegard (2018). Hva motiverer elever til å bli aktive medborgere?. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. Vol. 18.
Hegna, Kristinn;
Ødegård, Guro
Seland, Idunn
Ungt medborgerskap. Kunnskap, mobilisering og deltakelse.
Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning.
Vol. 18.