Research professor Ingunn Eriksen completed her PhD in cultural studies in 2013. Her primary analytical focus has been on the meaning and formation of social groups in school, particularly in relation to social class, ethnicity and gender, and on school environment, bullying, mental health and wellbeing. She has extensive experience with qualitative interviews and participant observation fieldworks, and is the P.I of the qualitative longitudinal research programme Inequality in youth. She is the co-editor of Nordic Journal for Youth Research.
Fields of study
Subject areas
Gender Ethnicity Qualitative methods Youth Mobbing Psykisk helse School School environment
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database
Inequality in youth is a qualitative, longitudinal research database on youths in Norway, intended to be a parallel to the quantitative Ungdata surveys.
The Future of Nordic Youth in Rural Regions: A Cross National Qualitative Longitudinal Study in Four Nordic Countries
The research project aims to understand the experiences of rural youth, their sense of belonging and hopes for the future. It will study similarities and differences between the Nordic countries.
Tomorrow’s Inequalities in the Making: Processes of Life Chance Differentiation within and outside of Education (LIFECHANCES)
In LIFECHANCES we investigate how differences between young people may become inequalities in life chances over time.
Young People’s Establishment in the Housing Market
The project aims to generate knowledge about young people’s establishment in the housing market, including moving out from their parental home, experiences in the rental market, and establishment as homeowners.
Completed research projects
Evaluating the Ombudsman against Bullying
NOVA is responsible for a research-based evaluation of the regional ombudsman office.
Gender, Youth and Leisure
This project explores gendered patterns in youths’ leisure activities.
Leisure activities for Children and Youth in a Gender Equality Perspective
In this project, NOVA will review research from the last ten years that address children and youth’s leisure time in combination with perspectives on gender, gender equality and gender stereotypes.
Literacies for Health and Life Skills
The “Literacies for Health and Life Skills” (HLS) project aims to develop and implement a new didactic approach that will enable pre-service teachers to facilitate the development of young people´s health and life skills.
Parenting and Youth Sports: Inequality in Young People’s Leisure Time Activities?
The focus of this project is how parents influence young people's leisure activities.
Participation in Sports among Norwegian Youth
The aim of the research project is to gain new knowledge about the social position and status of sport participation among young people in Norway.
Stress among Youths
In this project, we aim to gain knowledge about how and why youths experience stress and stressors.
What Characterizes Adolescents Attending Municipal Youth Clubs in Terms of Well-being?
The purpose of the study is to investigate municipalities’ potential to actively use youth clubs to promote issues concerning adolescents’ health and well-being.
Young people’s Well-being and Civic Participation During the Norwegian Coronavirus Lockdown
This research project investigates how young people experienced the Norwegian coronavirus lockdown.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Folkestad Persson, Marlene
Rogstad, Jon
Navigating critical phases in adversity in youth: Identification and reorientation.
Journal of Youth Studies.
Folkestad Persson, Marlene
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Sports participation as a reflection of social inclusion in youth: a holistic exploration of sport within young people’s lives.
Sport, Education and Society.
Davan, Lars Birger
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Ungdommers levde medborgerskap: Betydningen av klassede foreldrepraksiser under pandemien.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Walseth, Kristin ; Standal, Øyvind Førland (2023). Bakgrunn for temaet Folkehelse og livsmestring. Walseth, Kristin; Standal, Øyvind Førland (Ed.). Folkehelse og livsmestring - med utgangspunkt i fagene. Universitetsforlaget.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Andersen, Patrick Lie
The gendered district effect: psychosocial reasons why girls wish to leave their rural communities.
Journal of Youth Studies.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Stefansen, Kari
Langnes, Tonje Fjogstad
Walseth, Kristin
The formation of classed health lifestyles during youth: A two-generational, longitudinal approach.
Sociology of Health and Illness.
Smette, Ingrid ; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (2023). From Gendered Borderwork to Ethnic Boundaries: The Case of Two Norwegian Schools. Oeur, Freeden Blume; Pascoe, C. J. (Ed.). Gender replay: On kids, school and feminism. New York University Press.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Stefansen, Kari
Smette, Ingrid
Inequalities in the making: the role of young people’s relational resources through the COVID-19 lockdown.
Journal of Youth Studies.
Pedersen, Willy
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Distribution of capital and school-related stress at elite high schools.
Journal of Youth Studies.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie
Stefansen, Kari
Ødegård, Guro
Fire typer ungdomsliv: Ressurser, relasjoner og stedets betydning.
Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.).
UNGDOMMEN. p. 63-86.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.