Jon Rogstad is a Research Professor at NOVA, section of Youth research. Rogstad holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (2000) from the University of Oslo. His current research focuses on youth and education, specifically examining dropout rates in upper secondary education and exploring experiences of meaning, well-being, and conducive learning environments. Additionally, Rogstad has considerable expertise in migration and integration research, with a particular emphasis on issues of discrimination, political participation, and the significance of civil society.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations (Paths2Include)
PATHS2INCLUDE will expand our understanding of the multidimensional aspects of labour market discrimination, the impact of different policy frameworks, and the gaps and possible need for change on various levels in order to detect mechanisms and processes that shape barriers or facilitate inclusive labour markets in Europe.
Follow-up Research – Living Conditions, Upbringing and Education. Area Studies in Loddefjord and Olsvik
The theme of this project is the process and implementation of an area initiative in the Municipality of Bergen.
Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database
Inequality in youth is a qualitative, longitudinal research database on youths in Norway, intended to be a parallel to the quantitative Ungdata surveys.
Motivation and Mastery. Evaluation of Flyt – A Life Skills Programme for Young People in Vulnerable Life situations
To what extent does the programme help to build up the students who participate and make them better equipped to complete and pass upper secondary school?
The Potential of ‘GameChange’: Supplementary Educational Measures to Facilitate Secondary Education Completion Among At-Risk Youth (GameChanger)
What can be done to enable more students to complete secondary school? The project GameChanger focuses on the impact that initiatives outside of school can have on students when they are in school.
Tomorrow’s Inequalities in the Making: Processes of Life Chance Differentiation within and outside of Education (LIFECHANCES)
In LIFECHANCES we investigate how differences between young people may become inequalities in life chances over time.
Completed research projects
Discrimination of Muslims in the Labour Market
The topic of this project is the discrimination of Muslims in the labour market.
Evaluation of 'Robust Youth'
The main aim of the project is to evaluate 'Robust Youth' which is a program designed to being preventive and promote better health among youth.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Berg, Aurora;
Rogstad, Jon
«Skolevegring tilhører ikke skolen alene». Betydningen av skole-hjem samarbeidet i tilretteleggingen for et inkluderende skolemiljø.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 8.
Rogstad, Jon
Loyalty and Integration Among Young Adults with Minority Backgrounds in Norway.
Lerpold, Lin; Wennberg, Karl; Sjöberg, Örjan (Ed.).
Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World: Socioeconomic Opportunities and Challenges. p. 343-364.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Fossum, Aina; Rogstad, Jon ; Smestad, Bjørn (2022). Eksamen på like vilkår?. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. Vol. 33.
Bjørnset, Mathilde
; Sterri, Erika Braanen;
Rogstad, Jon
Gjennom Nåløyene. Forskjellsbehandling i rekrutteringsprosesser i offentlige virksomheter.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Vol. 38.
Rogstad, Jon ; Bjørnset, Mathilde ; Drange, Nina Eirin; Gjefsen, Hege Marie; Kindt, Marianne Takvam (2021). Fraværsgrensen i videregående skole. Perspektiver, erfaringer og konsekvenser. ISBN: 9788202716196. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Rogstad, Jon (2021). Innvandrere og ulikhet. Grønmo, Sigmund; Nilsen, Ann; Christensen, Karen (Ed.). Ulikhet : Sosiologiske perspektiver og analyser. p. 321-344. Fagbokforlaget.
Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth;
Johannessen, Lars E. F.
Rasmussen, Erik Børve
Rogstad, Jon
Experience, stereotypes and discrimination. Employers’ reflections on their hiring behavior.
European Societies.
Vol. 22.
Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth; Chan, Tak Wing;
Ugreninov, Elisabeth
; Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen;
Rogstad, Jon
Do terrorist Attacks Affect Ethnic Discrimination in the Labour Market? Evidence from Two Randomised Field Experiments.
British Journal of Sociology.
Vol. 70.
Reegård, Kaja;
Rogstad, Jon Christian
Lojalitet i spill. Eierskap i implementering av et matematikkdidaktisk tiltak i Oslo-skolen.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 103.
Reegård, Kaja;
Rogstad, Jon Christian
; Hegna, Kristinn
Stedlige perspektiver på skoleliv og yrkesfag.
6 p.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
Vol. 3.