Mira Aaboen Sletten holds a PhD in sociology and is researcher at NOVA, section for youth research. Her research interests include dropout and completion in education, time trends in mental health and research on living conditions with a youth perspective. Sletten has written a PhD on the importance of participation and inclusion among peers in adolescence.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Youth Drop-out Psykisk helse Vulnerable youth Living conditions of children and youths
Research groups
Research projects
Ongoing research projects
Computer gaming – an inclusive youth arena?
This PhD project will explore the potential for computer games as an arena for inclusion in youth.
Follow-up Research – Living Conditions, Upbringing and Education. Area Studies in Loddefjord and Olsvik
The theme of this project is the process and implementation of an area initiative in the Municipality of Bergen.
The Potential of ‘GameChange’: Supplementary Educational Measures to Facilitate Secondary Education Completion Among At-Risk Youth (GameChanger)
What can be done to enable more students to complete secondary school? The project GameChanger focuses on the impact that initiatives outside of school can have on students when they are in school.
Ungdata plus. A longitudinal study of boys and girls in Vestfold and Telemark, Norway
Ungdata plus will collect data on what children and young people in Vestfold and Telemark (Norway) do in their leisure time and examine how this is related to their health and quality of life, and important life outcomes as adults – such as education, work and family life.
Completed research projects
Adolescents in Oslo in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The aim of the study was to map young people’s everyday life and quality of life, and how they experience the COVID-19 pandemic while they were still subject to strict restrictions.
Evaluating the Ombudsman against Bullying
NOVA is responsible for a research-based evaluation of the regional ombudsman office.
Including Children and Young People in the Voluntary Service
The purpose of this project is to look into how well different groups of young people are included in the volunteering, and what tools organisations and authorities use to include these young people.
Qualification and Social Inclusion in Upper Secondary Vocational Education and Training (SAFETY-VET)
The main objective of the project is to generate knowledge about factors of importance for attainment in and completion of upper secondary VET among student groups with a potential risk of non-completion or drop out. We also study the importance of gender-segregated educational choices and young people's educational and occupational aspirations.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sletten, Mira Aaboen
Tøge, Anne Grete
Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira
Effects of an early warning system on student absence and completion in Norwegian upper secondary schools: a cluster-randomised study.
15 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Bakken, Anders
; Hegna, Kristinn;
Sletten, Mira Aaboen
Offline, online. Digitale ungdomsliv gjennom tre tiår.
Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.).
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Sletten, Mira Aaboen
Rosten, Monika
; Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom
Svartmaling av gutter og sykeliggjøring av jenter.
Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.).
UNGDOMMEN. p. 87-110.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Von Soest, Tilmann
Bakken, Anders
Pedersen, Willy
Sletten, Mira Aaboen
Livstilfredshet blant ungdom før og under covid-19-pandemien.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.
Von Soest, Tilmann
Pedersen, Willy
Bakken, Anders
Sletten, Mira Aaboen
Compliance with infection control rules among adolescents in Oslo during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.
Arntzen, Annett; Bøe, Tormod;
Dahl, Espen
; Drange, Nina Eirin; Eikemo, Terje Andreas;
Elstad, Jon Ivar
; Fosse, Elisabeth; Krokstad, Steinar;
Syse, Astri
Sletten, Mira Aaboen
; Strand, Bjørn Heine
29 recommendations to combat social inequalities in health. The Norwegian Council on Social Inequalities in Health.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 47.
Strandbu, Åse;
Bakken, Anders
Sletten, Mira Åboen
Exploring the minority–majority gap in sport participation: different patterns for boys and girls?.
19 p.
Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics.
Vol. 22.
Sletten, Mira Aaboen ; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Pedersen, Eirin ; Seland, Idunn (2019). Grenser for skolens ansvar? Skolelederes perspektiv på mandat i det frafallsforebyggende arbeidet. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift. Vol. 96.
Bakken, Anders ; Sletten, Mira Aaboen ; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (2018). Generasjon prestasjon? Ungdoms opplevelse av press og stress. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning.
Pettersen, Ola Melbye; Sletten, Mira Aaboen (2018). Å ha lite der de fleste har mye. Nabolagets betydning for subjektiv fattigdom blant ungdom i Oslo. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. Vol. 18.