Graduated in sociology, worked in social research since 1981, PhD in 2000. Main research areas: Social inequalities in health, theories of class, children's level of living, the impact of The Great Recession on population health and access to health care in Europe, health care utilization among migrants, the role of genetics in social research, the impact of family income on school results, etc.
For descriptions of participation in research projects and an overview over recent publications: See CV.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Social sciences Demography Epidemiology, medical and dental statistics Sociology Community medicine, social medicine
Subject areas
Social inequalities and health Socioeconomic inequality Living conditions of children Social epidemiology
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Children's Level of Living: The Impact of Family Economy for Children's Lives
The aim of the project was to explore how income influence different aspects of children's lives.
CONTEXT – Creating Integrated Person-centred Care in Different Settings
This project addresses how settings and contexts which enhance people-centred care can be created.
Under Pressure? Migration and Labor Market Integration in Norway (UPMIN)
The overarching research question in the UPMIN project is: What institutional and contextual factors enhance immigrants’ and refugees’ employment participation?
Welfare State Life Courses: Social Inequalities in the Co-evolution of Employment, Health and Critical Life Events (WELLIFE).
This project is a multidisciplinary Nordic collaboration researching inequalities in health and opportunities in the Nordic welfare states, and how they unfold over individuals life courses.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Heggebø, Kristian
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Health-related exit from employment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: Analysis of population-wide register data 2013–2021.
10 p.
SSM - Population Health.
Vol. 25.
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Heggebø, Kristian
Pedersen, Axel West
Lønner det seg å jobbe? Inntektsutvikling blant stønadsmottakere som øker sin arbeidsdeltakelse.
15 p.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Heggebø, Kristian
Economic preconditions for full citizenship: Refugees’ economic incorporation into the Norwegian welfare state.
Takle, Marianne; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir (Ed.).
Citizenship and Social Exclusion at the Margins of the Welfare State. p. 148-161.
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Heggebø, Kristian
Dahl, Espen
Nordic research on health inequalities: A scoping review of empirical studies published in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2000–2021.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 50.
Gauffin, Karl;
Heggebø, Kristian
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Precariousness in Norway and Sweden: a comparative register-based study of longstanding precarious attachment to the labour market 1996–2015.
European Societies.
Dahl, Espen ; Elstad, Jon Ivar ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; van der Wel, Kjetil A. (2021). Uførhet og dødsrisiko i arbeiderklassen - Hva betyr arbeidsmiljø og arbeidsforhold?. Ljunggren, Jørn; Hansen, Marianne Nordli (Ed.). Arbeiderklassen. p. 275-291. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Heggebø, Kristian
‘Crowded out’? Immigration Surge and Residents’ Employment Outcomes in Norway1.
21 p.
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.
Vol. 11.
Elstad, Jon Ivar (2021). Will more education work? Economic marginalization and educational inequalities across birth cohorts 1955-1980. Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir; Takle, Marianne; Britt, Slagsvold (Ed.). Generational Tensions and Solidarity Within Advanced Welfare States. p. 111-129. Routledge. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003129
Elstad, Jon Ivar
Vabø, Mia
Lack of recognition at the societal level heightens turnover considerations among Nordic eldercare workers: a quantitative analysis of survey data.
10 p.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 21.
Elstad, Jon Ivar ; Heggebø, Kristian (2020). ‘Crowded out’? Immigration Surge and Residents’ Employment Outcomes in Norway. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.