Norwegian version
Mia Vabø

Mia Vabø


Mia Vabø, professor in sociology, has long experience as senior researcher and research director at the Centre for Welfare and Work life research (OsloMet). She has participated in numerous international research networks and research projects hereunder a Nordic cross-sectional survey among care workers (NORDCARE I and II). She has initiated and led a range of major research projects providing insight into the way in which care workers are living the consequences of shifting policies and modes of governance. Her current research interests centres around learning environment in health and social care work and –how political, cultural and institutional changes shape the context of day-to-day work and the personal learning environments of care workers.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Sociology   Public and private administration   Social sciences

Subject areas

Care-taking of elders   Nursing Homes   Reablement / restorative home care   Interprofessional collaboration   Care services   Human service organization   Governance trends   Co-production   Care ideology

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Vabø, Mia (2024). Tillit og rettferdighet: Erfaringer fra hjemmetjenesten i Oslo. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. p. 165-195. Fagbokforlaget.

Vabø, Mia (2024). Tillit og rettferdighet: Erfaringer fra hjemmetjenesten i Oslo. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.

Jensen, Maya F.; Vabø, Mia (2023). Making assessment protocols workable: Navigating transparency and person-centredness in Norwegian reablement. 18 p. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Graff, Lea; Vabø, Mia (2023). Unravelling the dichotomisation of care and reablement: an ethnographic exploration of contradictions between policy rhetoric and practice in Danish and Norwegian eldercare. 16 p. International Journal of Care and Caring. Vol. 8.

Graff, Lea; Vabø, Mia (2023). Making sense of reablement within different institutional contexts. Collaborative service ideals in Norwegian and Danish home care. 13 p. International Journal of Social Welfare.

Vabø, Mia ; Zechner, Minna; Stranz, Anneli; Graff, Lea; Sigurveig, Sigurdadottir (2022). Is Nordic elder care facing a (new) collaborative turn?. Social Policy & Administration.

Drange, Ida ; Vabø, Mia (2021). A Cross-sectional Study of Sustainable Employment in Nordic Eldercare. 21 p. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. Vol. 11.

Elstad, Jon Ivar ; Vabø, Mia (2021). Lack of recognition at the societal level heightens turnover considerations among Nordic eldercare workers: a quantitative analysis of survey data. 10 p. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 21.

Øye, Christine; Norvoll, Reidun ; Vabø, Mia (2021). 'Keeping up appearances' - Negotiating identities of being fit in older age: A multi-site ethnographic study of daily life in contemporary day centres. 17 p. Ageing & Society.

Vabø, Mia ; Drange, Ida ; Amble, Nina (2019). Den vanskelige deltidsknuten en særnorsk utfordring som rammer unge helsefagarbeidere. 16 p. Fagbladet samfunn og økonomi.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete