Norvoll is trained as a regular nurse and holds a PhD in sociology. She has long- lasting experience with research and innovation regarding health and health- and care services. Other key areas are user- involved and co- creative research and innovation including citizen science together with the local community.
Norvoll was recently project coordinator for a EU H2020 project (2021- 2024) that developed citizen social science and social innovations to increase social inclusion of youth. She will take part in an upcoming RCN project led by University of Oslo with the aim to develop social innovations to increase social support of single people living with cancer.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Innovation Medical Sociology Health Services Research Next of kin Psykisk helse Restraint, compulsion Folkeforskning Patient and public involvment in research
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
CONTEXT – Creating Integrated Person-centred Care in Different Settings
This project addresses how settings and contexts which enhance people-centred care can be created.
Empowering youth and co-creating social innovations and policymaking through youth-focused citizen social science (YouCount)
YouCount will, through co-creative youth citizen social science (Y-CSS), with youth aged 15 to 29 years as citizen scientists, produce new knowledge of positive drivers for social inclusion of youth at risk of exclusion, as well as create innovation and new policies.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Canto Farachala, Patricia;
Norvoll, Reidun
Brattbakk, Ingar
; Budryte, Paulina
Participatory communication and citizen social science: Lessons learned and new ethical and political challenges.
22 p.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics.
Vol. 25.
Canto Farachala, Patricia;
Norvoll, Reidun
Guest Editorial of thematic series YouCount: Action Research and Citizen Social Science.
4 p.
International Journal of Action Research.
Vol. 19.
Norvoll, Reidun
; Øye, Christine; Skatvedt, Astrid Helene
Like a Social Breath: Homecare’s Contributions to Social Inclusion and Connectedness of Older Adults.
Journal of Social Inclusion (JoSI).
Vol. 13.
Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth;
Norvoll, Reidun
; Sagvaag, Hildegunn
Post-incident Reviews after Restraints – Potential and Pitfalls. Patients' experiences and considerations.
12 p.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
Lund, Anne
Holthe, Torhild
Halvorsrud, Liv Torill
Karterud, Dag
; Johannessen, Adele Flakke; Lovett, Hilde;
Thorstensen, Erik
; Casagrande, Flavia Dias;
Zouganeli, Evi
Norvoll, Reidun
; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie
Involving older adults in technology
research and development discussions
through dialogue cafés.
14 p.
Research Involvement and Engagement.
Vol. 26.
Øye, Christine;
Norvoll, Reidun
Vabø, Mia
'Keeping up appearances' - Negotiating identities of being fit in older age: A multi-site ethnographic study of daily life in contemporary day centres.
17 p.
Ageing & Society.
Hestmark, Lars; Romøren, Maria; Heiervang, Kristin S.;
Weimand, Bente
; Ruud, Torleif;
Norvoll, Reidun
; Hansson, Kristiane Myckland; Norheim, Irene; Aas, Eline; Landeweer, Elisabeth Geke Marjan; Pedersen, Reidar
Implementation of guidelines on family involvement for persons with psychotic disorders in community mental health centres (IFIP): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 20:934.
Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth;
Norvoll, Reidun
; Vevatne, Kari; Sagvaag, Hildegunn
Post-incident reviews—a gift to the Ward
or just another procedure? Care providers’
experiences and considerations regarding
post-incident reviews after restraint in
mental health services. A qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 20.
Martinsen, Elin Håkonsen;
Weimand, Bente
Norvoll, Reidun
Does coercion matter? Supporting young next-of-kin in mental health care.
Nursing Ethics.
Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth;
Norvoll, Reidun
Aas, Randi Wågø
; Sagvaag, Hildegunn
Post-incident review after restraint in mental health care - a potential for knowledge development, recovery promotion and restraint prevention
A scoping review.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 19.